
Day 133 - The mandatory day with the boat on the sea ☺️

Publicados: 13.08.2019

Hello everyone

Our day today was great again!

We started a bit late, but it turned out to be no problem at all.

In the morning, we went shopping for a few things for today and arrived at the harbor with a delay of 1.5 hours. We didn't even know exactly where to go or what the boat rental was called, as we had booked online through a boat agency. As we stood lost at the harbor (we also didn't have a phone number to call), someone suddenly called out to us: 'Is one of you Kevin?' Relieved that everything had still worked out, we followed an employee and filled out the contract. We were even allowed to stay on the boat until 8 p.m. instead of 6 p.m.! From that point on, we were completely relaxed :).

After a short introduction, we finally started! Since there were really strong waves today, we were only allowed to stay in two bays. The rest would have been at our own risk.

However, the beautiful cave was on the other side, so we really wanted to try it! We set off and as soon as we turned the corner, the rough sea turned into a series of waves several meters high! Without exaggerating - we had waves up to 5-6 meters! We tried it three times, but eventually realized that it was pointless and gave up. We drove along the coast in search of a sheltered bay. We actually found one and stayed there for the rest of the day :).

We had an incredible amount of fun! We ate, drank, snorkeled, and played around.

By 5 p.m., everyone was exhausted and freezing (by now the sun had disappeared behind clouds). We unanimously decided to return the boat and arrived at the harbor at 6 p.m. after another break for food.

We improvised with today's accommodation because no one was willing to drive for another two hours. Now we are parked on a beach parking lot, which we reached after just 20 minutes of driving.

We are now sitting outside on a wall and chatting. But we won't stay out for long, everyone is exhausted from the day on the sea and the sun.

Tomorrow we will be rested again and will start the journey right after getting up :)

See you then ;)

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