
To the border

Publicados: 14.06.2017

My last appointment for now was approaching. On Saturday I wanted to arrive in Freyung to celebrate Pentecost traditionally with the gang. So today it meant getting as close as possible to the target area. Extensive research the day before had revealed two options. One was the direct train journey to Grafenau with a cross-border combined ticket and arrival on the same day. The other was a bus trip via Klatovy and Železná Ruda to the border, with the opportunity to see a few things along the way. Since I had had quite good experiences with bus travel so far, the decision was quickly made.

After a very routine start to Friday (June 2nd, 2017), I arrived at the bus station in Plzeň at 11:02 a.m., the bus to Klatovy at 11:00 a.m. had just left... Dejavu. Fifteen minutes later, I was able to take a bus to Přeštice, which was also good. There, I visited the Baroque Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (impressive building) and shared my lunch with Rango. Otherwise, the city made a rather dreary impression (the bar has been set quite high by now).

The bus to Klatovy left at 12:43 p.m., and I arrived half an hour later. In the old town, I found a shady spot for Rango and our bags, borrowed some water for the big guy from the school next door, and took a walk along the old walls. Another very beautiful Bohemian town. Especially the many churches in a small space and the market square with the town hall catch the eye.

Shortly before three o'clock, a bus is supposed to leave for Železná Ruda, but today it only goes as far as Javorná. It takes me a while during the journey to find the place on the map. According to the bus driver, there is another bus to the final stop later (about 7 km away). I get off and take a look at the village, where there is nothing but a few houses, a presumably closed pub for years, and of course a church.

According to the timetable, the last bus for today arrives at 5:55 p.m. and takes me to my destination for the day. Almost 2 hours of waiting... For a moment I consider walking, but discard the idea because of the big guy.

Shortly before six o'clock, the bus arrives, turns around about 50 meters away, and drives away again. Looks like the bus driver is finishing half an hour earlier. So, it's a walk after all. The alleged 7 km take almost 3 hours, but Rango handles it very confidently. In Železná Ruda, we have dinner at the gas station and set up camp at the first campsite we find. Feeling a bit worn out, I crawl into my sleeping bag.


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