
On the way to Erg Chebbi desert

Publicados: 13.04.2023

On the way to Erg Chebbi, there is the opportunity for a half-day off-road track with sand driving & co.... so to 'practice' we decide to do it.

The track - really crazy - passes several structures by the artist Hansjörg Voth, which are in the middle of the desert. The trail is doable for the Amarok, even though the sand fields are really challenging... I am very glad that Basti is driving and staying cool 😅.

What is getting increasingly and particularly annoying - here - is being constantly begged and besieged by children and teenagers.

Yesterday, it went so far that we - surrounded by 6 teenagers, all talking and shouting at us, telling us that we were on the wrong track - got really stressed and had trouble getting back on the right and drivable path.

We have read about this multiple times, but experiencing it is a different story because it makes it difficult to get out of the car in peace and look at the map.

Unfortunately, during the action, we broke the suspension of our table in the cabin and when we finally got back on the road, we also found out that we lost air in the rear tire and there is a big screw stuck in it - direct hit 🤬.

We have had enough for today and continue to Merzouga because the tire is holding the pressure and we want to stay there overnight. On Ali's recommendation, we drive to a nice - slightly outdated - guesthouse, which offers a small pool and shaded areas for campers.

We have a nice view of the dunes, camels pass by, and while Basti changes the tire and fixes the other one, and additionally takes care of our table suspension, I am with Mia at the pool - now that's what I call real teamwork 🥳.

3 hours later, Basti comes back with a solution... Thanks to the helpfulness of a Moroccan with a car workshop and Basti's craftsmanship, he was able to construct a bracket from washers we brought with us, and we can use our table again 🙏🏻.

Responder (2)

Liebe Nico, ich bin in den letzten Wochen so sehr von meinem eigenen Leben absorbiert gewesen, dass ich heute erst dazu komme, mal einen Blick in euren Reise Fortschritt zu werfen. Ich bin ganz begeistert von den vielen schönen Bildern und deinen Reisebeschreibungen. Während ich hier sitze und auf das Bügelbrett starre, auf dem ich gleich meine Hemden bügeln muss, schweifen die Gedanken gerne in die abenteuerlichen Landschaften, in denen ihr unterwegs seid. Es freut mich sehr, dass die Reise bisher für euch erfolgreich verläuft und ihr viele interessante Begegnungen macht. Gerade der Kontrast zwischen landschaftlicher Schönheit und extreme Armut. Der Menschen ist doch bestimmt auch nicht leicht zu verarbeiten. Gleichzeitig schreibst du ja auch von der Herzlichkeit, der euch die Menschen begegnen. Jedenfalls wünsche ich euch für die weiteren Reiseabschnitte viele tolle Erlebnisse. Travel safe und beste Grüße an Bastl und Mia! Saui/Michael

Danke dir für deinen Beitrag und liebe Grüße in die Heimat.

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