wir.sind. dann.mal. weg
wir.sind. dann.mal. weg


Publicados: 19.05.2018

After two days of surfing in El Tunco, which firstly exhausted us physically and secondly reminded us of our lack of skill after a 1.5-year surfing break, we decided to spend a few relaxing days in Santa Ana, El Salvador.

On the wave - El Tunco, El Salvador
On the wave - El Tunco, El Salvador
The struggle to the shore - El Tunco, El Salvador
The struggle to the shore - El Tunco, El Salvador
El Tunco, El Salvador
El Tunco, El Salvador
El Tunco, El Salvador
El Tunco, El Salvador

But first, we had to attend the mandatory after-surf party in El Tunco...

El Tunco, El Salvador
El Tunco, El Salvador

...and a trip to the waterfalls.

Waterfalls near El Tunco, El Salvador
Waterfalls near El Tunco, El Salvador
Waterfalls near El Tunco, El Salvador
Waterfalls near El Tunco, El Salvador

From Santa Ana, we took a trip to Lago Coatepeque, a huge volcanic lake that reminded us of our beloved lakes in Carinthia, Austria, with its beautiful scenery.

Chicken Bus - Santa Ana, El Salvador
Chicken Bus - Santa Ana, El Salvador
Lago Coatepeque, El Salvador
Lago Coatepeque, El Salvador
Lago Coatepeque, El Salvador
Lago Coatepeque, El Salvador

Another trip took us to the Ruta de las Flores, a series of charming small villages in the mountains of El Salvador.

Ruta de las Flores, El Salvador
Ruta de las Flores, El Salvador
Ruta de las Flores, El Salvador
Ruta de las Flores, El Salvador
Ruta de las Flores, El Salvador
Ruta de las Flores, El Salvador

Finally, we ventured to San Salvador to meet our new friends from Mexico for what may be the last time in a long while. Upon arrival, we took a walking tour of the city and felt anything but unsafe in the city with the second highest murder rate in the world.

San Salvador, El Salvador
San Salvador, El Salvador
San Salvador, El Salvador
San Salvador, El Salvador
San Salvador, El Salvador
San Salvador, El Salvador

At the end of the day, we treated ourselves to a movie, Deadpool II. However, we cannot recommend the film from our perspective 😊

Tomorrow we are heading to Nicaragua, and we can only agree with the slogan #Don’t_Skip_El_Salvador. El Salvador has so much breathtaking nature and culture to offer, and the people here have truly welcomed us with open arms.

So here's to new adventures.

See you soon,

Matthias and Lisa


El Salvador
Relatórios de viagem El Salvador