Griechenland 2023
Griechenland 2023

18. Meteora (Monasteries)

Publicados: 27.03.2023

18th Day: Today we visited two of the monasteries from the inside. A small one (Agias Triados) and a big one (Varlaam). As a requirement for entry, Birgit had to wear a skirt (a wrapped cloth) over her long pants.

The monasteries were quite interesting, but what makes them special is their exposed location. The small churches (there's simply not much space on a rock) are something completely different. Especially the comprehensive painting impressed us. However, the structure of the depictions, from the Lord in heaven (at the top) to the saints (at the bottom), and the symbolism used are very similar. So we spared ourselves more of it. Instead, we preferred to stop more often and admire the wonders of nature here.

In the afternoon, the weather changes and it rains a few times. However, in the evening it clears up and we enjoy the sunny end of the day.


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