
The first days

Publicados: 28.08.2018

Hi everyone, I am back and have already completed my first and second day in Kajaani.

I want to briefly summarize what I have experienced so far, which of course is a lot. At the beginning, everything is always new.

First, let's go back to the day of arrival (Sunday, 26.08.). My second flight, from Helsinki to Kajaani, was very relaxed. I flew in a small propeller plane (which still had a toilet - information for you, Mom) and the flight lasted only about an hour. I sat next to a middle-aged Finnish woman (she told me she was close to retirement), who surprisingly thought I was of Finnish origin. But when I spoke to the stewardess in English, ordering blueberry juice - apparently a kind of Finnish national drink, it actually tastes quite good, you should try it on your flights, Daniel, Lara, Mom, Dad - she realized that I am a foreigner and we started talking. This woman was so lovely and open, she told me a lot of useful things about Finland and about herself, and time passed even faster. At the end, she even gave me her card and personal phone number, and offered to contact her if I have any problems. She even said that I could come to her place and she would take care of me :D she was just sweet.

Anyway, the airport in Kajaani is very small and you won't lose much time there. The taxi was already waiting for me and another fellow student from Germany who took the same flight. The taxi driver was also very friendly and told us a lot about the city and the places we passed on the way.
When I arrived, it was already quite late, a tutor was waiting for us at the university and took us to our apartments. The information he was supposed to give us was cut short due to the late hour, but I would also learn everything important later from my roommates, classmates, and tutors.

I will make a separate post about the apartment itself in the next few days - with many pictures.

Yesterday I mainly went shopping, unpacked and set up my things, and got to know my roommates.

I live with two Russians and two Germans, all of whom are very nice, but I will provide more details in the apartment post.

And in the evening, there was a Skype party with Mom, Dad, and Felix ❤


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