
Panama - Bocas del Toro

Publicados: 11.04.2017

No matter who you told about Panama, they immediately said, "You have to go to Bocas." And so we did :) Don't expect to be surrounded by beaches and sea everywhere (that's what I expected). No, it's not like that here, you have to move around a bit or take a collectivo :)

We chose Starfish Beach. Good choice, because it wasn't too crowded, clear water, and as hoped, lots of starfish. They were larger than I imagined and had vibrant colors. But as beautiful as they are, "don't touch it." As you can imagine, there were the typical idiots who can't follow the rules. The kids were carrying the starfish around and laying on them, and the parents were just standing next to them to get the perfect selfie. Congratulations, it seems you missed out on the topic of parenting. Try finding a security guard when you need one, they're never around. Typical :D

We also booked a tour: dolphin watching, visiting secluded beaches, and snorkeling. Sounds great and it definitely is, as long as the weather cooperates, but we weren't so lucky :D It was pretty cloudy and wavy (no, I didn't lose my food). It was so wavy that we were completely soaked in no time.

We were dropped off at the abandoned beach first and had 2 hours to relax here. Well, sunbathing is not an option, so we decided to take a little walk, but we didn't get far :) Eventually, we decided to go into the water because hey, we were already wet, so why not. The water was warmer than outside, surprisingly :D We did see some dolphins, at least, and then we went snorkeling. We stopped in the middle of the water and the guide said, "Now you can snorkel." The excited looks on everyone's faces were just priceless haha. I don't think anyone really wanted to do it because we were already cold and nobody explained anything to us. Well, my German side came out a little bit, "I paid for this, so I'm going to jump into the stupid water" :D and hey, it was already worth it, I saw some beautiful fish :)

Since the weather wasn't going to improve in the next few days, I decided to go to Panama City.

And sorry, no pictures taken, I wanted to play it safe after losing my phone :)


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