
Home alone!

Publicados: 03.12.2016

This weekend, Ola and Einy are with the kids at Ola's brother's, and the house and yard have been entrusted to me. Besides 'Yippee, home alone! Netflix under my control!', this means a lot of work. And responsibility! Statements like 'If the power goes out, you have to quickly take the burning logs out of the oven and throw them out the window, otherwise the pipes will explode!' can be a bit unsettling. But at least now I have an explanation for the dozens of charred logs in front of the house. So far, electricity has still been kind to me. Unlike the two horses, who took advantage of Einy's absence to escape from the paddock on Friday without being noticed. So after futilely trying to call them with a headlamp and a bucket of feed and frustratedly stomping back to the stable, I found the rascals happily munching away inside. Wherever the two of them had been before, my absence and the chance of an open stable door were of course used to help themselves to the feed supply. After checking the fence but finding no faults, I released them back onto the paddock in the morning - me in my pajamas and rubber boots - that's the beauty of being home alone ;) The problem, however, is that with all the snow, the electric fence is not working properly and the two of them seem to have figured that out. Because on Saturday evening, the situation escalated - Escape Level 2: I had just gotten out of the shower when Einy called me - 'A neighbor saw two horses, Ola's mom is on her way to you, you have to catch them'. Hooray. So I put on overalls over my pajamas, put on rubber boots once again, grabbed a hat for my wet hair, and off we went. With flashlights, we trudged through knee-high snow for a whole hour, trying to make sense of the countless hoofprints. Finally, we found them in the barn of a nearby farm and reluctantly maneuvered them back home. I am exhausted and could go straight back to the shower. Yeah, that's how you imagine your Saturday night ;) We urgently need to optimize the fence soon! In the photos, you can see Lilja during training. Einy wants to teach her to pull the game shot during hunting from the forest. We practiced with the innards of the sheep, which we slaughtered on Sunday. I also had the honor of emptying the sacks in the forest, see photo :D Other than that, I'm busy patching and painting, so that one of the old living rooms will be fully renovated in time for Einy's birthday in 2 weeks - the goal: to transform the pig-pink storage room into a fancy TV and game room, where the two avid gamers can shoot around on a screen. Haha, don't think for a second that here in the hinterland they only know Rummy ;) By the way, it reminds me that I haven't shown you my little heart's craft project from Innset yet! This is a Spark, an old children's sled that Björn brought home from the junkyard. I took on its rotten form and transformed it into a small Christmas sled... what do you think? :) Eric, if you're reading this - just make sure it's treated well, otherwise I'll come and get it and drive it back to Germany! :D
