د سفر غوره وخت امریکا

امریکا نښې

نوي او ځانګړي سفري بلاګونه امریکا

Day 2: Shopping until you drop 😜💸

10 hours of shopping frenzy at the Woodbury Premium Outlet

Tag 1: Welcome to JFK and Jones Beach State Park

After hours of immigration at JFK, we relax on the beach at Jonas Beach State Park

All good things come in threes - right???

On the 3rd attempt it just HAS to work out!!!

2nd attempt - will it work this time?

Thanks to Corona, it also won't work with the NY trip on the 2nd attempt

I have never been to New York...

I have never been to New York - and that will probably remain so for now

Miami and Miami Beach

15.3. Our last day in Florida is here and we have a lot planned. We start with laundry and packing o...

Kennedy Space Center

9.3. This morning at 8:45 we actually get to watch a rocket launch. It is exciting to see how many c...

Mobile, Greyton Beach and Manatee State Park

5.3. We now treat ourselves to a morning coffee at one of the many coffee trucks. Americans also lik...