Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer
Träume leben - einfach machen - das grosse Abenteuer

Quobba Blowholes, Streptococci & Coral Bay

ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ: 03.12.2017

On Friday, December 2nd, we started very early again to go further north. We shortened the long journey to Coral Bay by setting up two stops along the way. The first stop was at the Streptococci, which are actually called stromatolites, but Nadia didn't care.. because we simply couldn't remember this name, we called these biogenic sedimentary rocks, which are among the oldest life forms on Earth, Streptococci from now on. That's it, end of story! so! ;-) looked cooler in pictures on the internet, especially when they are covered with water, but in the morning the water depth was rather low, which made it quite unspectacular. But well.. we have now seen it too. ((-:

For the next stop, Flo was excited like a little child.. we went to the Quobba Blowholes in Carnarvon, where the power of water and the sea is impressively demonstrated. Attention, attempt at explanation: the waves hit/underneath the rocks, where over time so-called blowholes have formed. As a result, the water escapes - compressed through a small hole - in the form of a giant fountain (and several smaller ones) upwards.. an extremely impressive natural spectacle that we watched for a while.

Despite the two stops, it was again a very long journey with intermittent temperatures of 42 degrees Celsius (and 34 degrees already before 10 am).

But when we arrived in Coral Bay, the weather was "milder" again at around 32 degrees Celsius. A very nice campground with a view of the sea, numerous great snorkeling spots, incredibly many annoying flies, cheeky birds and kangaroos hopping around the site will be our home until Monday. Rainer feels very comfortable under the two trees. Even though it was cloudy yesterday and today, Flo burned her neck unbelievably.. the heat is intense here (even with clouds). Learning through pain is the motto!

We observed numerous blacktip reef sharks "nesting" in a small bay not far from here, while little stingrays swam past us. Exciting and great!

While snorkeling, we saw many fish in various shapes and colors. Tomorrow (Monday) we will take a boat tour for diving/snorkeling, where we hope to see manta rays, turtles, dolphins, sharks and more. We are excited! Are you too?

See you soon, Jan!

Warm greetings from Nadia and Flo

P.S.: due to the upcoming stops in Exmouth and Karijini National Park, there is a high probability that we will not be able to contact you for the next 4-5 days due to lack of reception.

ਜਵਾਬ (3)

Hallo ihr zwei Reisende, da habt ihr ja viele spektakuläre Dinge gesehen, tolle Bilder gemacht, schön dass es euch gut geht und morgen viel Spass beim Tauchen, wünsch euch viele Tiere die sich euch zeigen und dann eine spannende Weiterreise in den Nationalpark, bis baaald dann, Kussi Mum

Krass, wünsch Euch beiden viel Spaß morgen! Coral Bay ist der Knaller! Wenn Ihr die Tagestour macht und eine Rachel vor Ort dabei ist grüßt sie von mir :) Genießt die Zeit!

Supiiiiii 👏🏼 Vielen lieben Dank fürs teilhaben lassen 😍😘

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