Between shared apartment life and job search

ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ: 15.02.2017

As mentioned in a previous blog post, I had received an acceptance from the shared apartment with two Spanish girls (22 and 23 years old). However, after meeting a Swedish girl who had a flat viewing there after I received the acceptance, I doubted whether I would actually get the shared room. Ultimately, everything worked out and I moved in on January 28th. The location and the balcony view are unbeatable. However, the cleanliness of the girls leaves a lot to be desired. On the white high-gloss tile floor, you can naturally see every grain of sand and the long dark hair of us girls is also impossible to miss. Therefore, it would be appropriate to vacuum the apartment regularly, but there is not even a vacuum cleaner, let alone proper cleaning supplies. I wanted to mop the floor properly and asked for the cleaning utensils. The response I got was that they don't really have anything like that and they just pour water on the tiles, take a towel, step on it with their foot, and go through the apartment like that. My offer to buy something for cleaning was immediately rejected. We don't need something like that, it works perfectly fine with this 'technique'. But I found that really stupid and decided to abandon my plan to bring cleanliness to the apartment.

But I get along very well with the girls and we do things together occasionally. However, my roommates are very party-oriented. They both study here, have small side jobs but mainly live off of dad's money and spend it here lavishly. Therefore, it is not uncommon for the girls to come home very drunk at night and create some action in the apartment. Just recently, one of my roommates went too far. My roommate came back to the apartment drunk at night with Australian friends (between 30 and 40 years old and already parents). Unfortunately, my room is right next to the front door. They didn't hesitate to come into my room. I was on the verge of a heart attack when I woke up and realized that someone was trying to come into my room (the door is a bit jammed). When the door finally opened, my roommate was standing there with her friends and they were really keen on convincing me to have a drink with them. Eventually, they left again. But after just 15 minutes, they strolled into my room again. I eventually kicked them out of the room. But there was no chance of sleeping anymore after that, especially since they celebrated their 'after hour' quite loudly in the apartment. Around 5 or 5:30 in the morning, I had enough and kicked their friends out of the apartment.

Those are the moments when I slightly miss having my own four walls that I don't have to share with anyone ;-). But now I also have a feeling of what it's like to live in a student shared apartment. And I can say: It is absolutely not my world ;-D.

Unfortunately, I haven't been successful in my job search yet. By now, I have probably been to about 70 restaurants and stores and asked for jobs. Just yesterday, I had a trial working in a very fancy restaurant at the marina. I was very surprised that they even invited me for a trial work after I don't even have experience working in a restaurant and then immediately being asked to work in a more exclusive restaurant. I didn't get the job either. They said they were looking for someone with several years of experience in the field. My suspicion that they were looking for a free worker for Valentine's Day was somewhat confirmed with that. When I arrived there, I was told that they don't have time to take care of me and that I should simply help wherever I can. And so, that's what I did and I did my best. It's just surprising why you invite someone for a trial work but then don't have time to see how the person really works. At least I got $25 as a small thank you for three hours of work. It's not much, but I'm grateful for every dollar right now ;-).


ਹੋਰ ਯਾਤਰਾ ਰਿਪੋਰਟਾਂ