From Greifswald to Zempin

ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ: 05.07.2024

What a stark contrast to yesterday! The only thing that was still exactly the same was the wind. It was still blowing stormily from the west to the southwest. The only difference was that we were mostly heading east or northeast, so the wind was often at our backs. In addition to lots of sun, there were also large, threatening-looking dark clouds. But in the end we only got three or four drops of rain. But enough about the weather now.

In Greifswald we first drove into the city center again. We hadn't managed that yesterday because of all the chaos. Then I went to a bike shop and got myself a spare tube and a high-performance bike pump. There was also an air service station there. Here I was able to easily pump up my repaired tire to 5 bar (we had only managed a maximum of 3 bar with a hand pump). I was a little worried about whether my tire would hold up, as despite our best efforts we hadn't found the cause of the damage. But as the journey went on, my worries gradually evaporated. From Greifswald we first drove along the Ryck river and then continued towards Lubmin. This is where Nordstream 2 was originally supposed to flow into. There is now a large LNG terminal here. We took a break in the port of Kröslin and were able to watch a yacht being lifted out of the water. Exciting. Then we went to Wolgast and from there over the blue bridge to Usedom. Here we are staying in Zempin at the Inselhof Vineta, where we already spent two nights on another tour. Tomorrow we are going on the last stage of the Baltic Sea Cycle Route. We still have to decide where we will go after that.


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