08/01/2020 Hobbiton, Evening Banquet Tour

ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ: 09.01.2020

Finally, the 'staying on top of it' paid off.

We wanted to book the Hobbiton Movie Set Tour a week ago, but it was fully booked until mid-March. We were told on the phone that the online booking system is live, which means that if there are any cancellations, a spot becomes available immediately and we could see it.

Every day, Jenny diligently checked if there were still two spots available for us before mid-March, and we were lucky to get them for 08/01.

I must say that we didn't want to book the 'regular' tour, we wanted the full package with the Evening Banquet Tour.

Although it's more than double the price, it's definitely worth it! In the end, we actually did the tour twice, during the day and at night. We also had a feast at the 'Green Dragon' and all the time we wanted during the tour. With the regular day tour, which only goes through Hobbiton once, we often read that new buses with tours arrive every 10 minutes, so there's hardly any time and space to take our own photos.

Because we had unlimited time, we were able to see every single detail. Are you planning to book the tour too? Highly recommended, especially if you're fans!

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