But if you spend it it would be like shopping

ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ਿਤ: 22.03.2024

I had such a beautiful day in Playa del Carmen, I was still thinking about finding ways to stay there. The only negative side comes out when you book everything in advance. Playa del Carmen is the worst tourist place and I loved every second of it. The streets are full of life, even during the day, and it's super cool to see street art related to Mexican culture everywhere. I was also able to go shopping properly because there were a lot of nice shops. (Whatever I did in one context, I had to break away at some point because I got into a little frenzy and at the end of the trip, "intoxication" was no longer compatible with my account balance :D) -> among other things because I took picture 3 relatively spontaneously. The idea came to me while listening to my favorite Friday activity, Baywatch Berlin, where there was a lot of talk about skydiving last week, and so I've been thinking for the last few days that we should check out what's going on. And then I was very convinced to jump off over this coastline where, if you're lucky, you can see bull sharks (I wasn't lucky :( ). Besides, I would be like that if they had kicked me out or we hadn't suddenly had a parachute , at least crashed over the sea :D I went there in the afternoon, the airport was about 200m from the Zara, then there was a briefing and a meet&greet with the pilot and the tandem partners and then we went relatively quickly towards this mini plane, where we were sitting on the floor on rubber mats. And what can I say, small planes are even worse than big planes, our pilot had one on his hands and flew the box as if he had drunk paint, starting at the top there were some 'funny' things Flying maneuvers that made me wish I could jump out of the plane (parachute or not) until we were suddenly at jump height. In hindsight, everything happened super quickly, suddenly the door was opened and the first people jumped. Then we crawled to the door (unfortunately I forgot the guy's name, I was too stressed), I let myself hang out to the side, and the wind was so strong that my legs kept flying to the side. During the briefing they tell you that they start at 3 2 1 and then they jump. Fun fact, either he didn't do it or I didn't hear him over the wind, in any case there was nothing going on with 3 2 1, it was suddenly time to fall. And I discovered that my body hadn't completely given up on self-preservation because I just screamed on the way down until we caught ourselves in the air and then continued to fall in a controlled manner. From then on it was just great. You just rushed towards turquoise water and enjoyed every second. Unfortunately no one here has read Throne of glass, but I now know exactly how Manon and Asterin felt. And when the parachute opened, the last ballast fell off. He let me pilot it briefly, but I found it much better to just fly and look for sharks in the water. We ended up right on the beach (2m further and we would have walked right into an insta photo session of two girls) and in retrospect it wasn't all that bad. It's actually completely absurd that you can do that and only this thin plastic blanket saves you from certain death, but I would recommend it to everyone :D Above all, it was a nice way to cool down in the air. Afterwards I was incredibly tired, ate something briefly and then drove back to Tulum. P.S. Photo is not mine, but that was my view.


ਯਾਤਰਾ ਰਿਪੋਰਟਾਂ ਮੈਕਸੀਕੋ

ਹੋਰ ਯਾਤਰਾ ਰਿਪੋਰਟਾਂ