Weekend Mix

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 06.05.2017

It's been a few weeks now, but I was caught up with university stress and didn't have time to upload the pictures. Nonetheless, I managed to go out a few times during the weekends between assignments and studying, and I tried to tick off a few things from my travel guide or visit places I wanted to see.

To keep the order of the pictures, I'll start with my walk to the cemetery. ;) It's only a few minutes away from my dormitory, and I passed by it a few times on the bus and wanted to check it out. I found it quite interesting to see how it looks here, and after climbing up and down the stairs once, I had completed my daily workout.

On another day, I went back to Central and visited the Botanical and Zoological Garden to see some little birds and monkeys. Then, I took a walk along Central Harbour Front and laid down in the park to learn some Cantonese. After realizing that the view is actually quite good, especially after several days of foggy and rainy weather, I had to take the opportunity to go up to the Peak again and finally see the view at night. However, I thought I was going to die from the heat when I climbed the mountain, but I survived and completed my daily workout once again. ;)

Day vs Night

Lastly, I went to Stanley to make the most of the lovely weather and chill at the beach. I also studied diligently on the side ;) It was absolutely beautiful, and the water had just the right temperature, plus it wasn't too crowded in the morning. Very relaxing! *.*
