Other countries also have beautiful hospitals :D (Day 61 of the world trip)

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 04.11.2019

November 4, 2019

Last night we went to the night market as planned and it was really cool :) It was quite crowded when we arrived and it reminded me of a carnival, where you move forward at a snail's pace and it can be so crowded that you have to stop as soon as the person in front of you stops :D

Of course, there were various things to buy, but unlike other markets we have seen so far, I found the items really cute <3 A key rack or a wallet with an owl on it for only €0.50!!! Wow! Unfortunately, we didn't need anything and we wouldn't want to carry it around the world with us anyway^^

But, the main reason for our visit was the food :p For a total of just under €10, we had the classic noodles with vegetables, coconut pancakes, crepe with banana and Nutella, and Jonas also tried a kind of scrambled eggs/fried eggs made from quail eggs. The whole thing was delicious and absolutely filling – which was really too bad because we only discovered the dessert alley on the way back home, where they had Belgian waffles, smoothies, and pastries!! :O But, as I said, we were too full to fully enjoy it :( Next time at the market then :D :D I've already said that I'll save the main course and just try all the desserts :p

The first night in the hostel was quiet and because we were so tired, we didn't even get up until around 8 o'clock and I was even motivated enough for us to do some stomach exercises :D After that, we went to 7-Eleven to get breakfast, but unfortunately it was pouring rain :/ We had actually planned to go on a bike ride to a lake about 25 km away, which is considered a secret tip because only locals go there :) But since it was raining so much, we had breakfast first and then just strolled through the streets with the plan to find a bike rental for the next day and go bouldering again today^^

But then it stopped raining, so we decided to rent the bikes today and ride to our plan for the day after tomorrow – a visit to a temple on a hill that you can also walk to as motivated hikers (which Jonas already belongs to and I'm slowly working towards it too :p)

We got our bikes for less than €2 per person for 24 hours and off we went! Beforehand, we looked at the map to see where exactly we had to go and fortunately it was super easy to navigate because the old city is a rectangle surrounded by a canal and a road.

Although Chiang Mai is a big city, as mentioned yesterday, it's not very crowded here in the old city. Nevertheless, the streets are three lanes in each direction and we bravely threw ourselves into the hustle and bustle of Thai traffic :D So we rode like the scooter riders, sometimes weaving between waiting cars, actively participating in Thai traffic ;)

And it was so much fun!!! You have to constantly brake and look around, and I covered my nose with a scarf because of the exhaust fumes, but hey, it was a really cool experience!! <3 The only thing that was a bit scary was making right turns in left-hand traffic, because you have to change lanes to turn and then move all the way to the left after the turn :D

By the way, when we asked for a helmet when renting the bikes, the rental guys were completely confused. They have helmets for motorbikes, which they also rent out, but not for bicycles! :O :D

After a while, we made a pit stop (just before reaching the starting point of the trek to the temple we want to visit the day after tomorrow) at (Surprise! :p) 7-Eleven ;-)

We grabbed some snacks so we could have a little picnic in the park marked on the map, and then we rode to the bouldering gym.

Of course, we couldn't skip the ice cream at this stop! :O It immediately reminded me of bike rides with my family. We would always stop for ice cream (at least in my memory) when us kids started to whine :D :D So, we got ice cream and I actually found the best popsicle in the world :p <3

After the ice cream (which was also super delicious of course ;-) ) we continued to the park. When we saw that the path was steep uphill into the forest, I stopped for a moment. Our bikes were city bikes without gears and yep... not suitable for a steep climb^^ Jonas wanted us to try it – you can also pedal standing up – but after a few tries, I gave up and got off the bike :D A few moments later, Jonas did the same :p ;-)

After the first uphill, there was a short straight stretch and then another climb that led to a small lake. It's not the huge swimming lake that we want to go to tomorrow, but it was still beautiful :) But the best part was that there were hardly any people! <3

To find a shady spot, we rode along the road that goes around the lake, and when we encountered another uphill, we pedaled until Jonas suddenly let out a loud scream :O

We stopped and he suddenly had severe back pain :( We rode a bit downhill to a kind of pier and there he spent a few minutes in a crouched position, hoping for improvement. He tried to cautiously straighten up again and again, but it was hopeless :O

Eventually, we decided to try to get back to the city. Waiting wouldn't bring any relief... Jonas leaned on the bike and slowly pushed it alongside him until we reached the main road. There, I approached a taxi first, but the driver didn't speak English, and then a normal tuk-tuk happened to pass by. I asked if he spoke English and was successful. Yay!

With great effort and teamwork (the tuk-tuk driver had a friend with him), we brought Jonas and his bike to the tuk-tuk. Jonas was allowed to sit in the front because he didn't have to overcome such a high step there, and the driver's friend sat in the back with Jonas' bike on his lap. We had actually planned to go to the hostel first and then figure out everything else, but since getting into the tuk-tuk was so painful for Jonas, the tuk-tuk driver and I decided that it would be better to go straight to the hospital. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known how to get Jonas into the hostel and up to the third floor :(

We agreed that the tuk-tuk driver would drive slowly and I would follow on my own bike until we reached the hospital. Super nice! :) He actually drove slowly at first, but eventually he sped up and I had to pedal quite hard :p To keep up with him, I ignored some traffic rules, but in the end we all arrived at the hospital together.

A paramedic helped me park the bikes while several others put Jonas in a wheelchair. Sitting down with obvious pain, he couldn't stand it for long, so they brought him a stretcher. With a few helping hands, Jonas was lifted onto the stretcher and positioned himself in a comfortable position.

While I took care of the paperwork, Jonas was shuttled back and forth for things like X-rays. I sat in the waiting room for the first hour and watched the overcrowded emergency room as they made jokes and consumed Starbucks drinks, while a few meteres away a nurse folded trash bags. It was a totally relaxed atmosphere but at the same time very professional and clean, like you would expect in German hospitals for example. There was also a TV, and when the program switched from the news to an animated movie, I was called to Jonas...

A bit disappointed to not know if the little outcast monster would become a hero, but also happy to finally learn something about Jonas' condition, I went into the treatment room where Jonas was still lying on the stretcher, but in a new position. Well, at least :)

Shortly after I arrived, the doctor came to evaluate the X-ray. No fractures or anything similar could be seen (yay!!), so he suspected a muscle injury. Jonas should try to sit up, but the pain was still too intense, so he received morphine to alleviate the pain. Unfortunately, it was unsuccessful for now :(

They gave us another half hour and then Jonas should try again. At least he could sit up now and he was sure that he could handle the tuk-tuk ride to the hostel :) So he was put back in a wheelchair and pushed into the waiting room, but sitting brought the pain back and a few moments later, Jonas was back on the treatment room stretcher. Oh dear! Back pain is always evil :/

Now he had to wait another hour and if no improvement occurred, he would have to stay overnight to monitor his pain. Since we now had the logistical problem of having two bikes parked at the hospital that we had to return, but Jonas definitely couldn't ride his bike, I decided to return one of the bikes and then come back with a bag that could potentially hold an overnight package for Jonas.

The bike ride back to the hostel was wild. I was in the middle of rush hour traffic, constantly in the wrong lane, and even went the wrong way... Without a phone and therefore without internet or a map, I stood there awkwardly :D I asked a restaurant employee for directions, but he didn't know either... Then I found two other tourists who luckily had a paper map with them! Ha! Praise non-digital navigation :p

Within about twenty minutes, I was back at the hostel and returned the bike across the street.

Our hosts Sid and Irene asked why I was alone and when I explained the situation, Sid immediately offered to drive me back to the hospital on his scooter! Super nice!!! :) So I quickly packed Jonas' bag, put on a non-stinky shirt (I couldn't subject Sid to that on the scooter :D), and then we went back to the hospital.

Jonas' condition hadn't changed, but the morphine seemed to have a greater effect, so he could get up again and we finally decided to take him home :) We just had to pay the bill (almost €200!! - hopefully the health insurance will contact us^^), pick up the medication (muscle relaxants and painkillers that can make you dizzy), and then we were finally allowed to leave!

Outside, a friendly tuk-tuk driver was already waiting. For 100 baht, which is actually too much but that didn't matter today ;-) , he took both of us and the bike back to the hostel <3

When we arrived at the hostel, I helped Jonas upstairs to our room, and yeah, since then he has been lying here and we hope that the morphine lasts long enough for him to fall asleep!

In the meantime, I went to buy water (and some pain relief candy :p) and accidentally got a huge portion of dinner as take-away :D

We also extended our stay here at the hostel until Friday, since we have to see if and how Jonas will be mobile in the next few days :O

Well, eventful day with not such a great ending, but the morale is still high and the mood is good :)


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