At the beginning of October I flew alone for the first time. The destination was Lanzarote, and after a short change in Frankfurt we set off. When I arrived in Lanzarote, I got out wearing a sweater and long pants and almost fell over because I was faced with such a heat wave :| At that time it was a Sahara storm and therefore over 30 degrees. After I got out of the airport, I was immediately welcomed by the family with whom I will be spending the next month.

The following days were extremely strenuous as the temperature never actually fell below 30 degrees and the apartment had no insulation or anything like that. had. On my second night I had a cockroach disaster. I actually wasn't prepared for giant cockroaches over my bed. (I then slept on the trampoline in the garden). So I decided to go to the capital and buy a cover for my bed there. Because I didn't sleep at night, no more cell phone power (disorientated and lost), the heat, no buses running, and being stranded in the middle of a desert, I would rate the day as semi-successful.

I always spent my evenings on the beach with my surfboard because the sun was bearable at those times.

I talked a lot on the phone with my friends and family and discovered by chance with Paula one evening that, contrary to my assumption, Lanzarote is officially part of the continent of Africa and not Europe. I always became very good friends with the geckos and the cat was quickly adopted as mine. After a while there were unfortunately problems with the food because my host family no longer provided me with any shopping opportunities and we lived very remote by the sea and I then lived on Smarties and milk for many meals.

I also went on a hike through a volcano national park. The area was extremely beautiful and I actually just started walking in one direction without a plan, but it worked. The next day I felt extremely bad and it later turned out it was either the Noro virus or food poisoning.

A few days later I was up again and met a guy named Thibault from France. I went surfing with him that day and we spent evenings by the sea together. One morning he picked me up in a car that met original African standards. The window didn't open and the driver's door only held shut. The ones behind the doors were so dented that you couldn't even sit there :). We first went shopping and then took a road trip to the other side of the island, walked on volcanoes and watched sunsets on the sea. One evening we ran after a crowd of people in strange costumes because we wanted to know where they had gone and ended up at a party where the men of the village dressed up as women and then performed strip acts. We also met a few German boys there and spent the whole evening there. We also tried African food and picked and ate cactus fruits from the side of the road. (Half a cactus stuck in my hand) On the way back to the other side of the island we were checked in the middle of the night by police officers who couldn't speak English, which made communication a little more difficult. And he didn't have a driver's license with him and of course the car wasn't registered to him, which made the whole thing a bit difficult, but they let us go again after half an hour. Thi. then forgot his wallet on the roof and we drove off and then slowly drove all the way back because of course we were looking for it in the dark at 3 a.m. hahaha.

In the days that followed I had a diving course which was quite an adventure to get there. (It took me a whole day and I walked for at least 5 hours because my bus just stopped and said it wasn't going any further). But it was really beautiful in the city. The diving course consisted of my teacher and I and we got along very well and it was very funny. After I had a little theory lesson, we went into the water and moved around a bit, which isn't that easy. At the beginning I always ended up stranded on the seabed like a walrus because I didn't quite understand the air pressure compensation thing. And then a wave came and drove me towards a rock full of giant crabs (which all looked like giant tarantulas), so I died inside for a moment and was saved, hahah. Saw a ray and a small shark and lots of beautiful fish.

I then enjoyed a lot of sun before two extremely rainy days came. It rained through the ceiling the whole time and my bed etc. was wet the whole time and through the windows too. And the cat thought it was great to put a mouse in front of my bed at night. Then it was already towards the end and the last days at the beach and then I flew home (but they almost didn't allow me to take my drone home with me).


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