We're not quite sane...

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 03.07.2023

Four more days, the excitement is slowly rising. Besides thinking about what to pack, we also have to plan for our absence at home. My neighbor will take care of my plants and the mail will be checked regularly. So far, so good.

Just before the fun begins, we have a few technical challenges (which is actually quite typical). First, we're not quite watertight - when it rains heavily, there's a leak in the bathroom where a new plotter has been installed in the wall (plotter = iPad-like screen that displays wind, water, speed, depth measurements, etc.). It still needs to be sealed.

The second problem is with communication. I've learned that you don't necessarily have cell reception everywhere on the open sea, so Benny and Dirk went and got a radio license. However, connecting the new radio device has proven to be more difficult than anticipated. The electrical wiring seems to be fine, but it's just not working. It's most likely an issue with the antenna or the connection to the antenna, unfortunately, the antenna is located at the top of the mast, about 12 meters high... When it comes to making changes to anything located at the top of the mast, you only have one chance: when the boat comes out of winter storage with the mast down. After that, well... let's just say it gets complicated. I hope we can find a solution in the next few days and that all this effort wasn't in vain.

My packing list has now reached the 3rd page of DIN A4. We've also been keeping an eye on the wind forecast for the coming days. Currently, it looks like we'll have a smooth sail through the Schlei on Friday, but after that, there seems to be an easterly wind, which is suboptimal if you want to sail east... But having the wind come from the 'wrong' direction is actually quite typical again :-)


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