Your world are the mountains.

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 18.02.2019

I am very happy to report again from the beautiful, snowy, icy Mississauga in the Greater Toronto Area. Our weather is how an actual winter is supposed to be, so instead of your +10 C sunshine we have between -5 C and -16 C with occasional snowstorms and some freezing rain (which hurts). But I am still kicking and going to work. Currently I am learning lots of Spanish, because we have plans to go to South America. In March we will both be taking the TEFOL exam to get an English-teaching certificate. So between the 3 weekends starting with March 8th until Sunday, 23rd I will not be able to skype on the weekend, because I will be in school most of the day and otherwise just eating and sleeping. Not time for other things! I am already very exited, mostly about leaving the cold!

Yes, that's enough for now. I will continue writing in German so that I don't forget it and my language skills don't totally decline.

In my blog, we are almost at the end of the road trip. There are a few destinations missing until October 1st, 2018, the date I flew back to Toronto.

After our bear adventure, we unfortunately had to return to the cold and the tourist areas.

But before we get to the MAIN event:

Waterfalls. Yeah.

Also, we also visited a few canyons in Wells Provincial Park, which were also great, but the waterfalls, as always, didn't impress me that much. If you still want to know their names: We visited the Spahat Falls and the Helmcken Falls.

More waterfalls

Canyon at the Helmcken Falls

Some guy I photographed while he was taking pictures of our dirty car..

The river where the salmon swim and fail. Swimming uphill is not easy. 

And then the moment had come. We had reached Jasper and were about to explore the Icefield Parkway when it started to snow -.- So we waited another day in Jasper and instead went to see the Maligne Canyon in the snow. With a snowball fight. In September!!!

And we also saw our first caribou :)

A caribou

Where is the snowball?

Mud, mud, mud

A picture I was prepared for

A picture I was not prepared for :D

Irgendein Typ hat mir geholfen die Schneeballschlacht gegen Lea zu gewinnen :D
Bighorn sheep, running here and there and everywhere..
Moose Lake...without any moose
We are all tourists, even the dog!
One of the 5 lakes, I'm not showing all of them. They are all blue and very beautiful ;)

After the quick run-through, we now come to the most beautiful scenery in Canada in sunshine, because as soon as there is a cloud in the sky, you can't see as much anymore. 

We drove up and down the road twice to hike a bit in between, but it was mainly stop and go. We actually waited a whole day because the weather wasn't that great and just spent the day in the hostel, doing laundry, showering, and talking on the phone in the common room, writing blog/diary entries. 

First, the Athabasca Falls:
The rock formations reminded me a bit of the Pancake Rocks in New Zealand, just in color :)

Here's our map of the Icefield Parkway.

And why we actually went there: Mountains! 
Very, very, very many mountains. Unfortunately, I forgot the names of most of them, but since the Icefield Parkway is only 200 km long, you can look up the names of the mountains ;)

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to climb one of the mountains. Not only because Eva would have killed us, but also because we didn't have much time. The Rockies were always getting colder and my sleeping bag was only rated to -7 C and Eva's construction only worked up to -3 C before it got too cold for her to sleep.   

Driving, driving, driving... glaciers!

When we arrived at the glacier, we had internet again for a short time, because we didn't have it at the campground and only at the hostel. We also had no reception on the entire Icefield Parkway, which can be very refreshing when you know where you want to go... 

The Athabasca Glacier

Glacier mountains, an overview

Eva didn't feel like coming to the glacier, so we had to improvise:

With Eva

Without Eva

Here, as with every glacier: The shrinkage chart. 

Now let's move on to a series of 'stolen' pictures from Google, all taken by me:

It was extremely cold and I'm actually wearing all the layers of sweaters and pants that I brought with me 

for Jan ;)

Okay, I think that's enough :D I believe I have provided enough visual material to show how many mountains we saw in 2 days. Of course, always in combination with lakes to make the mountains look even more impressive. Now it feels like a fashion show for mountains. Well, we had a lot of fun, but the adventure will soon come to an end, and so will the money ;)

Next time, we will actually reach the end of the road trip and also (for now) the end of my travel adventures.

Until next time!


*Bonus material*

A hidden picture ;)

Big leaf and small stubby fingers

Maybe in the next blog, I'll show a collection of all my beautiful faces from my trip :D

When we didn't have electricity for a long time...

Yep, the picture is very unrealistic, but still not as beautiful as it actually looked. And yes, Marieke...all the pictures are, as always, stolen from Google Image Search

When I was photographed without knowing it...

hehe...I won't miss this type of toilet..


ଉତ୍ତର (3)

Fast so schön wie der Brocken.

Das ist der schönste Kommentar zum Icefield Parkway, den ich je gehört habe. Der Vergleich ist einwandfrei :D

haaachjaaa....diese schönen entschleierten Bilder :-D Zitat Louisa (Lea...ja, verwirrend) "Muss entschleiern, muss entschleeiiiern...aaaaaah!!!"

ଅଧିକ ଭ୍ରମଣ ରିପୋର୍ଟ |