Days 156 and 157: Bear search in the wilderness

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 18.08.2018

After getting enough rest, we set off in a convoy with the Swiss motorhome in search of bears. We gathered the collective information on where we could possibly see bears. We walked along rivers and drove through forests. But there was no bear in sight anywhere. So, the first day of bear search ended very frustratingly in the rain at a campsite. We also asked a ranger there where we could see the bears, and he gave us a hint to check out the Russian River Falls and go a little further than the visitor terrace.

So, the next morning, we headed to the Russian River Falls. We walked about 5 kilometers through the forest to the mentioned visitor terrace. There, we observed a huge number of salmon trying to jump up the waterfall. We are here at the right time because currently the salmon are trying to find a spot upstream where they can spawn. Since the path to get there is so strenuous, all the salmon die afterwards. After watching this spectacle for a while, we followed the recommendation to take a small path past the terrace and go straight down to the river. We walked about 200 meters along the river until the path ended. Okay, we were here but still no bears. Just as we were about to leave, Ivone spotted a grizzly bear walking in the river about 300 meters away. It grabbed a salmon and after about a minute, went back into the woods. That's what I call fast food... The five of us were overjoyed and the two days of searching and asking around paid off. After we returned to the parking lot, our paths diverged. We continued north because Papa and I wanted to go on a rafting tour on the Six Mile Creek tomorrow. We found a beautiful overnight spot (my favorite so far) right by a small bay on the sea. After dinner, we were treated to a beautiful sunset. We baked bread again next to the campfire and let the day end in our little private bay. We witnessed a beautiful sunset around ten o'clock in the evening.


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