To save Africa's beautiful wildlife: The Rhino Run in Port Elizabeth

To save Africa's beautiful wildlife: The Rhino Run in Port Elizabeth

The pictures of rhinos that I have shown here so far depict these fascinating animals without their ...

Be part of something big - Volunteering at the Ironman 70.3 World Championships

Molo - 'Hello' in Xhosa This was the motto of the Ironman 70.3 World Championships, which were held ...

Hiking between North and South and encountering elephants

We have already had the opportunity to admire the wildlife of South Africa many times. But you can n...

“Worms are disgusting” - Culinary novelties and an evening with Jeremy Loops

Food connects, even across borders. I was able to experience the cultural and above all culinary div...

Flushed, dived and overwhelmed - A weekend with sports, water and experiencing completely new musical dimensions

Port Elizabeth is a city where you can discover and do a lot. We wanted to get to know this variety ...

"The Windy City" - With Wind-Blown Hair to Jeffreys Bay and the Sacramento Trail

After exploring the wildlife of Addo in the inland the previous week, we were drawn back to the sea ...

Viel gesehen, viel erlebt - My previous weekend trips

I try to use the weekends especially to get to know my surroundings and thus the so diverse South Af...

Die Sache mit der Sicherheit…

Das Leben in Südafrika unterscheidet sich in vielen Punkten von dem in Deutschland. Vor allem der Si...

A colorful start at NMMU

The Orientation Week organized by the International Office barely gave you a second to catch your br...

Das Rennen beginnt …

Fliegen ist nicht schön. Aber manchmal der einzige Weg, um sein Ziel zu erreichen. Mein Abenteuer Af...