Day 2 on Rügen (Tuesday, 5.10.2021)

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 05.10.2021

Day 2 on Rügen (Tuesday, 5.10.2021)

After a cozy breakfast with rolls from a small grocery store, we both played games for a while and then drove to Baabe to the tourist information office. Here we stocked up on materials and postcards and also bought tickets for a cabaret. But on our way, there was also an antique dealer, so we stopped and went in. However, the unfriendly welcome was like, 'You can't stand here. You have to park the car in the parking lot.' Wow, as if it wasn't my protocol. But since I'm looking for an old wooden box, I made the best of it, but I already had the feeling that it had something to do with my West German status. Well, there was no box and I was off again. Next to the parking lot, there was a large herd of sheep in a meadow. They were standing close together under the trees because the sky wasn't quite friendly to us this morning. So, I quickly took a photo. I had the camera in the car. But lo and behold, when I wanted to look at the photo, my camera casually told me that there was no memory card inserted. Tough luck, I've had that happen before in Scotland!

From there, we started at a grocery store and bought all the essential goods for survival because we wanted to cook too. But when we made a round trip through the town, we saw a small fish restaurant. At the 'Gasthaus zum Fischer', where the fish is still caught and processed by hand, we ate excellently. Smoked eel and fried potatoes! Delicious!!! Gabi had a huge portion of pikeperch with fried potatoes and later fought the feeling of fullness with tequila. I would have liked to take a few photos of old fishing boats, but......!

After a short, further round trip through the town, where I searched in vain for the holiday home I had been to before, we made our way back. Our little house is off the beaten track, and on the way through the forest, I was waiting every moment to meet Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf.

Just before our domicile, we passed three abandoned places side by side, which we would visit later. Then it was time to unpack the car, make coffee, and enjoy the Christmas cake we brought, but Gabi preferred a digestif.

When the rain stopped, we headed to the abandoned places. From a worker who was busy with clearing work, I heard that there used to be a holiday resort for children here. Several parts of the buildings were still standing, and with his permission, I waded through masses of mud to the dilapidated buildings. The complex stretched all the way to the sea and must have been huge, and only one part of the building has to remain because bats live here. Later, large hotel complexes are supposed to be built here, as well as on the surrounding properties.

Two other old hotel complexes are also empty, and it's not really clear if they also have to be demolished or just renovated. In any case, it was not possible to enter these properties, although it would be great to buy something like this and renovate it. Well, fantasizing doesn't cost anything.

Mud-caked, Ayko and I returned home, and after I had shampooed his paws, the poor dog had to lie on his blanket. Now our evening program began. Playing, smoking from time to time, under the opened umbrella :) and lots of chatting and laughing.

This is how the day can end with a glass of red wine.

ଉତ୍ତର (2)

Hoffe die Karte geht bald wieder. Lost Places ist doch dein Ding.

War gar nicht so einfach, an deine Seiten zu kommen. Sch...Google. Was die erst alles von mir wollten, gefällt mir nicht. Musste ich jetzt in Kauf nehmen. Nun kann ich endlich deine "Abenteuer" verfolgen!