Tag 134 - In the Black Forest

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 18.03.2018

Selva Negra - Black Forest. This area is actually called that because a German family settled here in the 19th century. Originally in the gold rush, they established the first coffee farm in the highlands of Nicaragua. Today, it is also an eco-lodge, still owned by Germans and located in a nature reserve. Actually, I didn't want to go to this farm at all - some people on the internet referred to it as the worst scam. But it was the only tour available. I traveled by public transport and a 1.5 km walk. When I arrived, there were only a few tourists, no air-conditioned tour buses with camera-wielding Americans, not even later. I was lucky, I had the guide all to myself and could practice my Spanish with him. He showed me the entire farm, which even has its own primary school for the children of the employees, about 250 of whom live permanently on the farm, as well as other social achievements. There is a clinic, solar power, waste separation, chemical-free coffee, and vegetable cultivation for the workers. So the finca is not that bad.

If I wanted to complain on a very high level, I could say that $10 for a cappuccino and a chicken sandwich made from supposedly self-baked baguette is a rip-off. But I want to stop that.


ଅଧିକ ଭ୍ରମଣ ରିପୋର୍ଟ |