Day 5: Rouen and Étretat

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 19.08.2021

We start the day relaxed. We sleep in and have a leisurely breakfast. Unfortunately, it rained last night and our towels got wet. After an hour's drive, we reach Rouen, the capital of Normandy. Finding a parking spot proves to be difficult as there are height restrictions in many places. Finally, we find a spot and walk through the city center. There is a lot to see, especially the Rouen Cathedral, Saint-Maclou Church, and Saint-Ouen Abbey, which shape the cityscape. We stroll along the many half-timbered houses. This building style was relatively cheap due to the many forests in the surrounding area and was widespread from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. There are over 2,000 half-timbered houses in Rouen, spanning the entire city center. We visit the charnel house of Saint-Maclou. It is a facility hidden behind a portal, reminiscent of the plague epidemic. In 1348, a cemetery was built here when one-third of the population died. The decorations on the walls show bones, skulls, and gravedigger tools. The cemetery has since been relocated, leaving only the museum. We really like the city and are impressed by its appearance. After 2 hours, we finish our tour and continue north.

At around 3 pm, we reach Étretat, a small coastal town on the English Channel. The town is bustling with tourists. Here too, we search for a parking spot for a long time and eventually find one at the outskirts of the town. Now we hike the 1.3 kilometers into town to see the pebble beach and the chalk cliffs. On both sides of the town, the chalk cliffs have been eroded by the sea, creating arches. We want to get closer to one of the arches, but we are called back along with many others. The beach area is closed due to the dangers. So we hike up the cliffs and have a beautiful view of the coast. The children also enjoy it and as a reward, they get an ice cream. Then there is an emergency call and a helicopter is called. The fire department closes parts of the promenade and the helicopter lands on the beach. An elderly person seems to be in distress. Afterwards, we walk back to the car and shortly after, we arrive at the campsite. There is a swimming pool and despite the 20°C outside temperature, the boys go for a swim. Once again, we are lucky with the weather, it's cloudy but not raining, and the sun even shines at times.

ଉତ୍ତର (3)

Guten Abend, ich habe auch schon die Bilder im Status gesehen, wie kalt ist den das Wasser im Ärmelkanal? Es scheint kaum jemand zu baden. Liebe Grüße

so fantastic vellage

Der Rettungshubschrauber Einsatz war bestimmt wieder spannend für die Kinder.

ଭ୍ରମଣ ରିପୋର୍ଟ ଫ୍ରାନ୍ସ

ଅଧିକ ଭ୍ରମଣ ରିପୋର୍ଟ |