First week - check :)

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 07.09.2016

Hey friends, welcome back! :)

It still seems incredible to me, but the first week is over. If the remaining 15 weeks pass by just as quickly, bravo.
The good news first: Today, after 6 days, my suitcase finally arrived. I had already given up hope until they found my suitcase today at 12:30 am in Amsterdam. I would really be interested to know what it had been up to in the past 6 days. I hugged the taxi driver who brought my suitcase home with me out of sheer joy. He was happy for me as well. Anyway, now that I have my own things again, I feel complete and absolutely ready for my adventure. :)

The past few days I have been exploring the neighborhood. Cork is truly beautiful, I have heard that so many times before, but it really is true for this city. Stunning! Even the cemetery here is beautiful, a sad and dignified place at the same time. Harry Potter fans among the readers may notice a slight resemblance to the cemetery in Godric's Hollow.

Overall, Cork reminds me a lot of Harry Potter, the small side streets resemble Diagon Alley, the rows of houses remind me of Privet Drive, and you really get that 'Harry Potter' feeling when you stand in front of UCC, the university. Friends, if I didn't know that I am in Cork, I would believe that I am on the set of the Harry Potter movies. I'm not saying that the University looks exactly like Hogwarts, of course not, it just reminds me of it. But: if you walk along this building and into the garden next to it, you can easily imagine being in Hogwarts.


Classes at the College will only start on Monday, the first orientation and welcome programs started today. I'm really looking forward to the courses, until then I will spend my time exploring. The beautiful little lake here is called 'Lough', not far from our house. There I found a new favorite spot. Sitting on the park bench next to the lake, in the sun with a book (the Harry Potter series will be re-read ;)) in hand - really nice.

With lots of love and greetings from Cork

xxx Danni


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