Quietly falls the snow...

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 14.03.2017

Still and motionless rests the lake... Ok, we doubt that the lake was still today, but this morning we were not greeted with sunshine. It was overcast and little flakes danced past the window. A look down confirmed what we had feared: Chicago was covered in a 15cm thick layer of snow. Hello, winter!

But never mind... 'A good day to visit a new BBQ restaurant outside the city center,' thought Stefan...

'A good day for shopping,' thought Steffi...

Why not both? And off we went to the northwest. We walked and walked and walked... past a chocolate factory, where the air smelled of chocolate, and over bridges where our feet disappeared in the snow. The journey felt long and strenuous as it was cold and wet. The snow was already melting, creating muddy puddles that made the march even more difficult. Yes, we could have taken a taxi, but we wanted to experience as much as possible, even in remote places. So we bravely continued on with wet socks.

After 1 1/2 hours, we happily and hungrily arrived at Smoke Daddy. A BBQ restaurant that Stefan had researched and was eager to visit. The snowy hike was worth it: the food and service were divine.

On the way back, we decided not to walk... NO. We quickly took a taxi back to the hotel, changed our socks and shoes, and headed to the Magnificent Mile. It is a wide boulevard with luxury boutiques, as well as shopping centers for Steffi's wallet. 2 hours later, with a few shoe boxes and souvenirs in hand, we returned to the hotel.

Goodnight, Chicago.


ଅଧିକ ଭ୍ରମଣ ରିପୋର୍ଟ |