The first day at the beach

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 01.07.2018

Since the last post took forever and not much happened today, this one will be a bit shorter.

This afternoon we walked to a beach where we had been earlier in the week (the one where Teewurst punched the waves...).

There I read my book and Teewurst watched the sea.

Eventually, we went into the sea together. Teewurst went crazy again and jumped towards every wave fearlessly, so a French grandma came towards me relatively quickly to tell me that dogs are not allowed here (and what about the other dogs there please???). Well, I let Nivus play for a short while and then we went back to the towel so that the... grandma could have her peace.... some people are really too much for me. What difference does it make if Teewurst splashes around in this quite wide area or not?!

Eventually, the sky got cloudy and since I can't assess the weather here yet, I decided to rely on the French and leave when the rest leaves. After all, thunderstorms were announced for today. When the beach got emptier and emptier, I packed our things and made my way back to the city.

'Boulangerie' was on the agenda today. Breton pastries. I hadn't had any before. Only stupid thing was that the sidewalks are rolled up at lunchtime here and so I arrived in a completely deserted city. Even the cafés were closed. Where do people take their lunch break then? Well, never mind, so off home to get rid of the sand (Teewurst had rolled in sand after his swim and then shook himself RIGHT next to me....afterwards we were both covered in sand.....well, you just have to love him).

Then I went to the bakery again and back. Tried a selection there and realized: the quiche (my dinner) wasn't available.... so back to the bakery again (third time's the charm)... made it clear with hands and feet that the thing was sold out, got a new one, and went back home. By now it had thundered twice, rained 10 mL, and the sun was back. They don't say for nothing that you can experience all four seasons in one day here... so out onto the terrace again and into the sun. With a book and Breton pastries. Top-notch! (No wobbly animals or weird innards!)

In the evening, I heated up the quiche in the oven. However, the oven bullied me. If you set the timer, it beeped. If you changed the temperature, it beeped. If you changed ANYTHING... it beeped and the BEST part: It didn't turn off!!! I tried searching for the user manual online but no chance with this model. And now? It beeped continuously and refused to turn off. I even thought about turning off the power. Eventually, I gave up and just ate and for some reason, the thing turned off after that. Do you have to finish eating before it turns off??? Like: as long as you don't finish eating, the weather will be bad AND you get tinnitus? Well, I think I'll stay away from that thing for now....


After that, I just read and wrote and now it's time to go to bed.

Good night!


ଅଧିକ ଭ୍ରମଣ ରିପୋର୍ଟ |