Tag 1: Let's go!

ପ୍ରକାଶିତ |: 05.07.2020


Today we're heading to the Azores!


At least the plane is already 'on time' over the Atlantic at 9:30.

It's now 2:00 p.m., we're at the airport sitting at Gate B12 in Terminal 1, waiting for the plane which is still nowhere to be seen.

The plane isn't full, we've moved our seats to the back rows 25 and 26. Rows 24+27 are supposed to be unoccupied, as well as the seats next to us. Lots of space!

There's hardly anything going on at the airport.... Unbelievable! Especially since it's the start of the summer holidays!!!

The security check employees are sitting around twiddling their thumbs, and it seems like the employees on the apron are bored as well.

2:02, boarding begins!

We even get a free airport tour since our plane is parked in an outdoor position.

We pass by many planes.

Short airport tour
Short airport tour

In the distance, we see the 'Lufthansa parking lot', the current parking spot for large planes.

A sad sight....

Lufthansa parking lot
Lufthansa parking lot

Next to it is a Singapore Airlines plane and our small Air Azores SATA plane, an Airbus A320.

Singapore Airlines
Our plane is parked in an outdoor position
Our plane is parked in an outdoor position

We board from the back and take seats in rows 25 and 26. Actually, all the rows around us remain empty. So we have about 36 seats all to ourselves. We don't even have 40 passengers on the entire plane. It can hold almost 200 passengers when filled.

Empty plane

It's crazy, I've never flown on such an empty plane before! And during the 'high season' too.

Surprisingly, we take off relatively on time towards São Miguel.

Above the clouds
Onboard catering is reduced to a minimum, in this case a sealed bag of snacks.


# Ham and cheese sandwich (not tasty)

# Chips (always good)

# Cookies from the Azores (especially the dark crispy ones are delicious)

# Applesauce?! (Not quite definable)

# KitKat (good!)

# Orange juice and water

This time, the famous drink carts with soft drinks, coffee, or tea aren't available. But we don't mind since it's a short flight.

After 4 hours, we descent from cruising altitude and shortly after, we see the coast of São Miguel from the neighboring window.
Land in sight
Continuing with the small plane in two days
Continuing with the small plane in two days

After getting our suitcases, we go through the airport, out next to the parking lot, where a large COVID test tent is located. A bunch of masked figures, wrapped in full-body suits, gloves, and masks, is already waiting for us here.

After filling out several forms, we go into the tent for the test.

My son breathes a sigh of relief when he finds out that he DOESN'T have to take the test. The test is mandatory for ages 12 and up, and my son is still 11 today (he'll turn 12 in a few days), but the age at the time of entry is what matters! He got lucky there.

We're the last passengers in the tent. The test team is very nice, they explain everything to us, and then I can start the procedure. The long swab in the nose is unpleasant but bearable. I find it almost worse in the throat because the gag reflex sets in quickly, but it works on the second attempt.

Husband and daughter also get through the test, and then we can move on.

The COVID test team is so cool that they even do a 'Mexican wave' to say goodbye. Very cool!

Now it's time to wait for 12-18 hours!

COVID test tent at the airport
COVID test tent at the airport
Since we were originally supposed to fly 2 days later, we didn't have accommodation on São Miguel for our 2 quarantine days until shortly before departure.
In a Facebook Azores group, I met a German couple who invited us to stay with them in a vacation rental for 2 days.
Said and done.
The private transfer from the airport goes smoothly, and we reach the town of Ribeira Grande after about 15 minutes by car.
Unfortunately, my son quickly starts feeling sick, which forces us to take a short walk. But we do see that there's even a rum factory here!
Unfortunately, it's currently closed due to COVID-19.
Rum factory
Rum factory
..unfortunately closed
..unfortunately closed

After walking a bit, we're picked up by the car again and warmly welcomed by Marion and Dieter Schmitz at Quinta Velha (https://www.azoren-urlaub.com/).

Quinta Velha
Quinta Velha

Here we settle into our beautiful vacation rental 'Casa Moritz' and explore the large, well-kept garden with a pool and, to the delight of the kids, many animals.

There are dogs (my son immediately takes a liking to the little 'Lumpi'), cats, goats, ducks, chickens, and horses. A true children's paradise.

Vacation rental Casa Moritz
Vacation rental Casa Moritz
Mule and horses
Mule and horses are also here
Quack quack
Quack quack

Marion has bought some groceries for our dinner since we're officially in quarantine and not allowed to go shopping.

After dinner, we quickly fall into bed. After all, we have a 2-hour time difference, 2 extra hours, so the internal clock is already ticking, and it's midnight when we hit the sheets.

What an exciting day!

Hopefully, we'll get our test results tomorrow!


ଭ୍ରମଣ ରିପୋର୍ଟ ଜର୍ମାନୀ
#frankfurt #flughafen frankfurt #azoren#sata#urlaub#covid-19#ribeiragrande #quintavelha