Bakkeewwan Beekamoo Montenegroo

Yeroo imala gaarii Montenegroo

undefined calaqqisiisa

Bilbiloota Imala Haaraa fi Mul'atan Montenegroo

Once again Montenegro

Heidi's first toothbrush and the land of panoramic roads

Durmitor National Park

Hiking with a Baby and a Shot of Syrup

Bay of Kotor - Montenegro

Bay of Kotor - the city of cats and how the pekara love story began

With short stages through Montenegro

But eventually, the rain and cold couldn't deter us anymore, so we packed our bikes, said goodbye, a...

Montenegro - gammachuu fi gadda

...Akka tasaa dhukaasa lallaafaa naannoo kootti dhaga'e. Dhukaasni kana keessaa tokko mana sochoʼaa ...


Arrival Montenegro