
2 - First Days

Maxxanfame: 01.03.2018


I'm actually in Australia, you yearn for something for years and when it finally happens, you can hardly believe it.

It's about half past 5 when I drag my two backpacks out of Darwin Airport.

Without the slightest idea of what's supposed to happen next, I have the address of the hostel of course, so first find a bus or train.

No train, can't find any buses either.

So first get a coffee and then figure out what to do, no rush.

No rush, the magic word I think, and I'm immediately approached by a nice Aussie asking if I want a seat on the shuttle bus, he'll gladly take me right to the hostel.

Bingo, I say no!

The ride goes smoothly for me, however, it turns out during the ride that we have one suitcase too many, or rather one passenger too few on board.

Well, can't be helped, even the relaxed Aussie bus driver suddenly gets annoyed because he has to take an extra round. (Last tour for him today, he said.)

He drops me off at Dominos and points me in the direction of the hostel, where I can check in in 4 hours.

At the hostel, I have to wait first, Manon (a French backpacker who is currently working at the hostel) is still sleeping.

No wonder, I find out later, I only missed her by a few hours, there was a lot going on here yesterday and she was apparently at the front.

At 10 past 12, I can finally check in with a wild mop of hair, which, upon closer inspection, turns out to be the aforementioned and severely hungover Manon.

I spend the rest of my first day with some shopping, a very sweaty one, and as an observer in a small jam session on the terrace.

Saturday and Sunday, I wander around Darwin City, the harbor, and the botanical garden.

Blisters bear witness to my extensive exploration of the area.

I get lost less and less on the third day, the way to the nearest bottle shop is already burned into my brain.

The plan for the next few days comes to me spontaneously again on Sunday afternoon, in the form of some German backpackers who are sitting around smoking and drinking (with me) in the hot tub.

The Litchfield National Park!

The plan is quite simple, rent a car, buy supplies, don't forget the beer, pack sleeping bags, and camp in the park with 3 people for a couple of nights.

Nothing can really go wrong there.

I'm writing this on Monday morning, the preparations are about to start!

I'm really excited about the success of this operation, as well as driving on the left side of the road and hopefully seeing my first crocodile in the national park.
