
Cambodia Phnom Penh

Maxxanfame: 03.05.2018

We have never experienced such a crazy border crossing like here in Cambodia, and we have already crossed several borders. First, our bus driver collects our passports. With a slightly uneasy feeling, we handed them over. On the Vietnamese side, we had to wait right in front of the counter to get stamped out, now everyone got their passport back and we continued with the bus to the Cambodian border. Just before boarding, our driver came back and said he needed our passports. Okay, hand them over again, we got on the bus and made our way to the border, but where was our driver with the passports? Passport gone, driver gone. Bus continues with a new driver. Hmmm, let's wait and see. :) When we arrived at the border, we had to wait again. 10 minutes later, our old driver came around the corner with a freshly stamped visa. Yeaaa. But we could have managed all this on our own. Now we need to find an ATM, hmmm there doesn't seem to be one here, okay then at the rest stop. There was no ATM at the rest stop either. That's how we ended up arriving in Phnom Penh half-starved because we had no money for food :D It was almost a near-death experience. :D So now we withdraw money, buy food, and go to the hostel. A very nice tuk-tuk driver looked at us in horror when we told him the address. No girls, you can't stay there. Everything is dirty and the owners are drug addicts. Well, the night only costs €1 so we stick to it. When we arrived there, a little boy checked us in and his father stood there stoned next to him. The room was so hot that it was almost impossible to sleep. The bathroom door only opened 40cm and I was afraid of getting stuck between the faucet and the door. :D Our tuk-tuk driver, with whom we will go on a trip tomorrow, was apparently so worried that he sent us an SMS asking if everything was okay. But now let's look for something to eat. We decided on a small local restaurant where unfortunately no one understood us :D Doesn't matter, we'll take a little bit of everything. The entire table was full, including a plate where we couldn't quite define what it was. So we tried again with hands and feet to ask what it was. He pointed to his heart and said cow. Ohhh, we ate cow heart. Hmmm, it wasn't so good anymore ;D The next day, our driver picked us up and showed us the whole city plus some markets. In the afternoon, it was extremely hot and we just wanted to sit down somewhere and do nothing. In response, he took us to a local stand that sells buffalo. The buffalo is dried in pieces on the street with more or less flies. He just said that the flies show that the meat is fresh. When we mentioned that flies also come when the meat is bad, he just said: Yes, then they come too :D Well, now we know :D


Gabaasa imala Kaamboodiyaa