Sonne Hitze Esel
Sonne Hitze Esel

August 2020

Maxxanfame: 23.12.2020

Stacking hay bales & donkey trekking, it was beautiful and hot! Incredibly hot was also the search by the Pfullingen police station.
The backstory: unexplained calls and withdrawals from Ralf's bank account in the month of April - some app regularly establishes a second connection?! Ralf's initial suspicion: TikTok. Emilia's reply: never, dad, you're mean! In June, Ralf's credit card suddenly appeared in the system at Google Payments, several hundred euros were withdrawn ... which were eventually reimbursed after long discussions with the credit card provider.

Hardly arrived in Mittelstadt: Emilia had access to Jutta's & Arndt's guest Wi-Fi account with dad's handy (because Emilia forgot her own smartphone charging cable). And after returning from the donkey trek: unknown entries in call logs again. The reverse search initiated by Arndt on the internet promptly revealed: the Pfullingen police station is allegedly calling. Unbelievable, the tricksters are using caller ID spoofing !!! But this conclusion was wrong: there was an ongoing investigation!!! Only because of what and against whom? Ralf suspects something bad: the disposal of animal feces (donkey droppings) in the green area of an Eningen daycare center by members of the Heidschnucke Association. That could be expensive in Baden-Württemberg (estimated at around 250 euros?). And what a negative headline in the press for the association's chairman, unthinkable! On Saturday, the information from Pfullingen: hit and run. Suspicious: the guests with the red car and the out-of-town license plate. On the radio, Winfried Kretschmann and Malu Dreyer assure in unison: covid19 contact lists are not used for criminal prosecution without a court order. We had to laugh: Ha Ha Ha. On the third day - Sunday evening - finally got the investigating Police Officer Pfleiderer personally on the line. And he accepted the presentation of the facts, namely that Mario & Blacky did NOT have red-painted hooves (apart from the fact that Greta & Oskar had parked the two donkeys behind the house in the shade on the meadow). Man-o-man-o-man. And the best part of the whole action: the police officer assistant Ofterlehner complained about the overload of local police authorities in Baden-Württemberg - no words. You guys are really funny, we will gladly come back in 2021.


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