Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation

Sumo wrestlers and Chanko pots

Maxxanfame: 16.07.2019

Next to our hotel in Ryogoku is Japan's largest Sumo arena. So, what could be more fitting than dedicating some time to these 2m-tall and 200kg-heavy Japanese athletes?

Apart from the fact that the sight is anything but beautiful or aesthetic, the sport seems exciting and ritualistic for Japanese people, and the protagonists are revered like Ronaldo and Neymar are here.

For sustenance, there are so-called Chankos, which the Sumo wrestlers traditionally prepare themselves.

Chanko is ultimately a rich stew - extremely delicious and well-seasoned. Attached are pictures from the Edosawa restaurant.

Deebii (2)

Also rein Judo technisch ist das schon sehenswert, so nen 200kg Koloss zu werfen... Und das ist sehr religiös geprägt, ich glaube die repräsentieren und ehren irgendwelche allen heiligen..
