Meck on Tour
Meck on Tour

Finally started!

Maxxanfame: 12.06.2022

Today, it finally started! After a nice brunch to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday, I hit the road. One last stop at the gas station, including the tricky task of filling up the reserve canister, and then I was on the highway heading towards Kiel.

Driving required my full concentration. In Germany, it's particularly important to be cautious when overtaking. Those little lights in the rearview mirror get very close very quickly when they're driving 100 km/h faster than you. 😊

But everything went smoothly, except for one accident scene, the road was clear. Shortly after 7:30 PM, I reached my destination for the day, a nice campground near Burg Wallenstein. Right by the water, surrounded by croaking frogs, I set up my night camp for the first time.

Soon, I was able to go on a little exploration tour. I didn't get far. My "Guete Obe!" was answered by a couple from Bern. Doris and Simon are on their way home. Apparently, I awakened Nonna instincts in Doris because soon enough, I had a beer and a steaming plate of spaghetti in front of me! We spent a lovely hour chatting and exchanging stories and plans. A great start to the Baltic adventure!

By this time tomorrow, I'll already be on the ferry heading towards the Baltic Sea!

