
Eeyyee dhuguma ni goona...

Maxxanfame: 08.08.2022

Have you all gone crazy? But you can't!... Well, you are brave! In this crazy time? I envy you... We've received so many different reactions in the past few weeks.... but also: we envy you.... You are doing everything right.... absolutely the best time for something like this... it suits you!' Is everything going well? We don't know. But it feels damn right at the moment.

So what are we actually doing? And who are we? I'm Sandra (50 years old, medical assistant) and my husband Kilian (52 years old, all-round craftsman) and our two Greek fur babies from animal welfare, Amy and Lucy.

We are currently breaking up our lives in Germany. Giving up our jobs, house, farm, friends, and all securities in Germany and hitting the road.

After our 14-month trip through Europe in 2018/2019, we returned to Germany feeling free and relaxed and went back to our old jobs. Shortly afterwards, the corona pandemic broke out and suddenly the world was different. In two years of the pandemic, incredible things happened. People changed. The division in Germany became bigger and even went through families. Vaccinated people go against unvaccinated people. Shock and anger grew bigger and at some point we reached the point where we asked ourselves what we were actually doing here. A serious illness and a looming professional ban were added as the crowning glory.

Is this the life we desire? No! It was clear, a change had to come. So we sold our house, quit our jobs, bought an old motorhome from the 70s, and got started. Converting the motorhome, cancelling and applying for new insurances, handling notary and banking appointments, selling and sorting out our belongings. Storing the most important personal things at good friends' places. Only the bare essentials are kept. Everything else is sold, given away, or thrown away... (and somehow it feels liberating)...

Now we are in the final weeks of preparation. The house is getting emptier and the 'Hummel' (motorhome) is taking shape. Converting a motorhome is not easy, and there is a lot of time pressure. Diesel heater, water boiler and tank, wastewater tank, electricity, solar panels, and gas tank are just a small part of what needs to be done. We are pushing our limits with the carpentry work. Everything has to be custom-made... and we are overwhelmed by it. A big thank you to Sara Gessner and David Gonzales (our wood experts) who have helped us with it. Also, a big thank you to Markus for his helping hands and ideas.

At the same time, we are clearing out an entire household, planning our finances and travels, and I am still working in my profession.

This time will certainly stay in our memories forever.

But we will make it and hand over our house at the end of July and start our big adventure in late summer.

In the first year, it's all about traveling (we deserve it!) and in the following years, we will also take on jobs if they suit us. We want to spend the first winter in Spain/Portugal. We will leisurely travel to warmer regions along the French Atlantic coast. We are not alone. Friends are already in Spain and others are also heading there. It's amazing how many people are in the same situation as us right now. Many feel the need to reconsider their lives.

When will we come back? We don't know. Maybe in a year? Maybe in 5 years? Maybe not at all? We can't say, and we don't want to think about it at the moment. Our focus is on departure.


Now the time has come. The house key has been handed over and we are now living in the motorhome. Luckily, we can park at friends' place at the 'Bibermühle' hotel in Blumenfeld/Tengen for now. This hotel had to close due to a lack of staff, and we are now 'guarding' the empty hotel. Thank you Anja and Tobi for this wonderful and peaceful parking space.

We are still struggling with the solar system. It is not storing enough power to be permanently self-sufficient. In addition, the diesel heater (with a glass window) still needs to be installed and other 'teething problems' need to be fixed. But we are very satisfied with our conversion and already enjoying van life to the fullest.

We will stay in the country until mid-September to attend various appointments. The motorhome still needs a service, we want to visit various friends, celebrate some farewell parties, and take care of banking and doctor appointments.

And this time, I will again report about us with a travel blog. For those interested in reading our first blog from 2018/2019: You can find it under happyhippieonatour on Vakantio.de and Google.

Deebii (4)

Hallo Ihr Zwei! Mit ein bissel Mühe hab ich den neuen Blog gefunden. Euer Buch hat mich fasziniert und so freue ich mich, Euren Blog zu verfolgen. Nur das wie- ich finde ihn im fb nicht. Telegram hätt ich noch. Google vielleicht... würde mich über Verknüpfung freuen. Hab heute in der Praxis Euren Flyer gesehen. Euch toitoitoi, gut es gelingen für Alles, viel Freude und vollkommene Gesundheit! Herzlichst, Evelyn- sanara gesundwege

Grüsse aus der Schweiz/Zürich und seid weiter safe unterwegs. .......Tengen, Bibermühle, kurz vor Eurem Start. Wir waren, ohne Camper aber in einer speziellen "Mission" von Ersatz-Teilen holen, in Nor-Bayern + bis hoch nach Brandenburg unterwegs. Urlaubsfahrt (u.a. Spreewald) mit dem "Nützlichen" kombiniert. Alles safe, im und auf dem Fahrzeug heimgebracht. Nun reicht es "nur" noch für einen Camper-Kurz-Urlaub in Breisgau anfangs Oktober. Dann geht das Freizeitgefährt in Winter-Urlaub in die trockene Einstellhalle. Was im 2023 sein wird 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️. Die Weltpolitik und Meteo werden es mitumter mitbestimmen. 👋🇨🇭👋🇨🇭👋 Macht's gut. Eugen+Monika

....steht's direkt erreichbar, wenn's dann u. wann mal passt >>> matanuska@sunrise.ch

Hallo Eugen. Vielen Dank. Habe mir Deine E-Mail Adresse notiert. Macht es ganz gut. Sandra und Kilian

Gabaasa imala Jarmanii