
Two weeks in Germany

Maxxanfame: 01.12.2018

It's incredible that I have already been back in the German everyday life for two weeks.

Upon arrival at the airport, it felt strange. The joy of seeing my beloved family was great, yet I wasn't immediately back or just happy to be home again. The ‚different life‘ in Africa simply gave me a great, formative time and I was sad to have to end this life experience now. Crazy, isn't it?

I suddenly appreciated all things anew: a warm shower, a normal towel instead of a travel towel to dry off, laundry that smells like ‚my‘ laundry detergent, and food that I missed so much.

And at the same time, I missed on some level the life without a single room, the bucket shower, and washing by hand, when me and the girls in Tanzania turned up the music and started dancing. Yes, it is a simpler life. But on my journey, I thought a lot about what is really important in life. And that material things are nice, but they don't say anything about whether a person is happy or not.

When I stood in my apartment for the first time after my return, I didn't feel comfortable at all. This is your home? Really? It didn't feel that way!

So lifeless, tidy, clean, and well-maintained. The complete opposite of rooms in Africa. There are other priorities.

But after unpacking my backpack and meeting friends in Leipzig, I found my way back, arrived, and now also enjoy being in Germany again.

Winter, in general, the seasons, also have their charm and most Africans will probably never travel to a country where they can experience something like falling, changing leaves and the rustling of snow.

‚People travel the world in search of what they need. And they return home to find it.‘


Gabaasa imala Jarmanii