18.10.2016 Chatsworth House

Maxxanfame: 18.10.2016

The sun is shining in the morning and after we have left the very busy motorway we are driving through beautiful English country roads in Yorkshire and later in Derbyshire. In the meantime, we almost feel like we are back in Scotland, when such wide hills appear for a short time, but then the view on the other side is very English again.

Today we want to visit one of the most famous castles in England. I know it from the filming of Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' from 2005 with Keira Knightley and Matthew Mcfayden. Actually, I prefer the 1995 adaptation, but the castle is considered Jane Austen's inspiration for Pemberley. In her novel, she describes the view of the castle very precisely and one can almost hear her words when you turn the last corners and the castle lies before you.

Unfortunately, the exterior facade is currently being renovated, so we have to rely on a few pictures from the internet.

The inside of the castle needs few words. It is simply magnificent. I am almost inclined to think that almost any other castle will pale in comparison, because the grandeur that we have seen here is unmatched so far.

It belongs to the Duke of Devonshire. At the moment, it is the 12th Duke and he lives in the castle, but of course in a private wing. The Dowager Duchess, his mother, also still lives and I have read about her. She was the youngest of the Mitford sisters, who kept England in the 1920s and 1930s with their scandalous behavior and their very different political views. Duchess Deborah was the 'bravest' of the Mitford sisters and she is the only surviving sister of the six.

You enter the castle through a massive staircase. Photos can only inadequately describe how magnificent it is.

Afterwards we saw the 'King's Apartment', which the 1st Duke built for the king. He had a decisive influence on the fact that the king became King of England Scotland and Ireland and so he hoped that the king would honor him by visiting. He spent more money on the furnishing of this apartment than on the rest of the house, but unfortunately the king never visited. It was simply too far for him. By the way, the silver toilet articles were intended for the king's official Levée and accordingly were never used.

This here is the music room. Particularly interesting: The violin at the back of the door is just a painting! It looks deceptively real!

In the chapel, the grandchildren of the Duke and Duchess are still being baptized today.

I really liked this: Some Duchess found this dome so ugly that she had a false ceiling installed to cover it up!

The library with about 17,000 books (including a hand-signed first edition of all Harry Potter volumes) and below it the Dining Room.

The Duke's art collection is particularly impressive. In addition to the historical works, the current Duke also collects modern art and also displays it in the house. However, we were especially impressed by the sculptures. Particularly this veiled woman by Raphael Monti. It was difficult to photograph her, but she looks absolutely stunning! The 6th Duke paid a whole 60 pounds for her at the time. Today she is priceless.

In the end of the tour, you come across this large sculpture hall. One sculpture more beautiful than the next! By the way, this collection inspired the filmmakers of 'Pride and Prejudice' in 2005 to change a scene from the book a bit. In the book, Lizzy Bennet walks through a gallery with family portraits and then stands thoughtfully in front of Mr. Darcy's portrait. In the film, she walks through this sculpture hall and meets a sculpture of Mr. Darcy there.

We found this little one somehow particularly cute. It has such a nice expression on its face!

And if you visit the gift shop afterwards, you can see the sculpture used in the film, it has been placed here and labeled 'Do not kiss'!

Actually, after this tour we would have had to visit the gardens as well, but when we leave the castle, the weather gods take pity on our tired feet. It is raining cats and dogs. Therefore, we only have a small view of the lake from the house and instead make our way to the campsite.

Deebii (1)

Oh nein! Bei den ersten Bildern denke ich noch... Jane Austen! <3 Und dann das! Ihr ward in Pemberley... ohne miiiich?!? Soifz. Die Verfilmung mit der unsäglichen Kneightley versuche ich geflissentlich zu ignorieren, ist doch die einzig wahre die BBC-Miniserie mit Colin Firth... doppelsoifz,. Nicole, Du schreibst wunderbar... Deine Beschreibung sind den Werken Jane Austens würdig! Um diesen Tag beneide ich Euch zutiefst
