In 99 Tagen um die Welt
In 99 Tagen um die Welt

Enjoying Tasmania

Maxxanfame: 07.12.2017

I've been in Hobart for 3 days now, which I believe is the biggest city in Tasmania. It has been a very relaxing 3 days, as there isn't a lot to do here. My hostel is a quiet, family-run boutique bunkhouse just outside the city center. At first, I doubted if it was the right choice, since there are also a lot of older people here (By older, I mean 30+), but ultimately it was the right choice for me, as Hobart, in general, is a place for me to unwind. Tasmania is probably the complete opposite of Melbourne and has an absolutely natural character, even though Hobart is still a big city.

On my first day, I actually (I still can't believe it myself) hiked up Mount Wellington with someone else from the hostel. 7km, 800 meters elevation gain, and 3 hours with a lunch break. Unfortunately, the weather was a bit cloudy and the summit was in fog, but still the feeling when we made it was absolutely incredible! And the view was reward enough! On the way back, we hitchhiked since there is no bus back :D A nice French couple gave us a ride back to the city 😊

In the evening/night, the probably weirdest story in my hostel life unfolded. I sat on the balcony in the evening to watch the sunset and got some tips about Tasmania from a 40-year-old woman and she also advised me to rent a car alone. Later, she recommended a bar to me and another girl from the hostel and she even came along. The bar was really cool, but the woman got very strange. And by that, I mean drunk strange :D I noticed that she had already had a bottle of red wine all to herself on the balcony and 2 more beers in the bar, and yes, she acted that way as well. Somehow we managed to convince her to come back to the hostel with us and that's when things got really weird. She jumped off her bed, screamed loudly, and called for fire and her mother. Then she ran out of the room and up and down the stairs until a woman from another room and another person managed to stop her somehow. Apparently, she was sleepwalking. I've never experienced anything like that... But it just shows how interesting it can get in hostels.

Yesterday, I went to MONA, the Museum of New & Old Art, with a Swiss girl I found through a backpacker group on Facebook, and 2 others. Normally, I tend to avoid art museums, but this one was really great! And very interactive as well. You could see your heartbeat light up. The weirdest and most absurd thing was probably porcelain reproductions of 77 female genitals. Uhm yeah, exactly what I thought :D
But overall, I thought it was really well done!

Today was a very relaxing day. I rented a car with the Swiss girl and a Canadian guy, and we will be driving around Tasmania for the next 7 days. I also went to Mount Nelson (the other mountain here) and soaked up some sun and enjoyed the view (see photos). So relaxing and enjoying is working out really well in Tasmania!

You'll hear from me again in 7 days! So far, Tasmania is definitely great and it will surely get even better 😊
