Mafelo ao o yago go ona
New Zealand
Afrika Borwa
Costa Rica ya go swana le yona
Singapore, Singapore
Mafelo ka moka a maeto
Ingwadiše go Lengwalo la Ditaba
Di-blog tša maeto
Theha blog ya maeto
Tsena ka gare
Dipalopalo tša maeto Ghana
Di-blog tša maeto
Mafelo ao o yago go ona
Nako e kaone ya leeto Ghana
$ {Leina la lefelo la go ya} ditšhupetšo
Diblogo tša Maeto tše Mpsha & tše di Hlaotšwego Ghana
07.03 le 08.03, mafelo-beke a mafelelo
March 6th, 2020, leeto le lelapa la Carlotta
03/03/2020, Mafelelong pula le motho yo mofsa yo a dulago le yena
February 28th le 29th, 2020, leeto la go ya Cape Coast le Phaka ya Setšhaba
February 22, 2020, hike ka moru
02/21/2020 Mafelelong o phetše gabotse gape
February 15, 2020 le February 16, 2020, leeto la ho Ada Foah
February 14, 2020, porojeke e ne ka Nsawam le disenyi tše di se nago boitshwaro
February 11, 2020, nako ya seripagare kua Ghana
February 9th, 2020, Kereke ya Ghana
08.02.2020, leeto la go ya serapeng sa dimela le leeto le le raraganego la go boela morago...
February 7th, 2020, go thopa le go senya maphodisa ka Ghana
February 5th, 2020 le February 6th, 2020, go penta, go penta, go penta le dithuto tša Sejeremane
02/03/2020 le 02/04/2020, tlhaelelo ya meetse le diprotšeke tše mpsha
February 1st, 2020, marakeng ka Accra, phoofolo roommates le lebōpong la leoatle
January 30th, 2020, Letsatsi la ka la matswalo la bo20 Ghana
28/01/2020 and 29/01/2020, Kindergarten in Ghana
27.01.2020, German football and beer
Classroom of the Seniors
01/25/2020 and 01/26/2020, Alone to the beach and trip to Accra
21.01. and 22.01.2020, My first lesson
18.01.2020 and 19.01.2020, My first marriage proposal
17.01.2020, Finally playing soccer again
16.01.2020, Schlaflose Nächte, essen ohne Besteck und Wasser aus dem Brunnen schöpfen...
15.01.2020, School day
13.01.2020, Day of Surprises
Beach holidays
Eat, surf, relax, repeat
🤩 Elephants 🤩
Shiraz, Magalie, and I enjoying beer and sausage
Larabanga and the orphanage
Au parc national de Mole !