Pichincha ya Pichincha

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Ecuador - one of the most biodiverse countries in the world

From Quito to Puerto Lopez, Montanita, Guayaquil, Banos, and Cotopaxi. It is cold and often rainy at...

Quito and the Middle of the World

In Quito, we crossed the equator at the Middle of the World, strolled through the center, and enjoye...

Deutschland, Ecuador - kurz zu Hause und dann weiter in Quito

Beitrag 21 - kurzer Überraschungsbesuch in Deutschland und dann zurück nach Ecuador um den nächsten ...

Ecuador (4): QUITO, e lego QUITO

Morago setulong se se phagamego... matšatši a mmalwa gape...

Quito - Ecuador

Zuñíga Family, Chocolate, and my archenemy: EQUATOR!!

Ecuador (2): QUITO ya go swana le yona

Motse-mošate Ecuador. Borutho, bo tonya, letšatši, pula... gomme go ba gona go dira monyanya...

Ecuador - Avenue of the Volcanoes

Ready for the road trip in the overpriced Chevrolet Spark

ab 10.09.: Quito - 2,850 m - 22 km south of the equator

Sunday, 06:45 a.m. The storm is raging outside - no change from last night. I skillfully ignore it ...

Tag 147: Cuyabeno Nature Reserve

Amazon, Day 1: From the capital to the jungle