
Orientation Week

Publisert: 22.01.2019

The first 2 days of the so-called 'Orientation Week' are already over. The first impression of the campus is very overwhelming. The campus is so big that you have to take the bus from one point to another because it's too much to walk if you're in a hurry.

It takes me about 10 minutes to get to the university by bus, unless it's rush hour. Allegedly, Oxford Road is the busiest street in Europe in the morning and afternoon, which fortunately I haven't really experienced yet. But at 9 o'clock in the morning, it's already quite busy. There are extra helpers at the bus stops during the main working hours to regulate the boarding of people. Apart from the fact that everyone stands in a line in front of the bus in an orderly and polite manner. There is a lot to learn from the British in terms of order and politeness. When I think that I really had to fight for my place on the bus in school, it's like paradise here. In addition, EVERYONE thanks the bus driver when getting off for their work/service, which I really like.

By now I have already met many other international students. This semester there are about 100 international students from all over the world. In my opinion, there are about 40% Americans, 30% French, 20% Spanish, and then a few Italians, Swedes, Australians, Canadians, and of course a few Germans, who are always to be found everywhere. Actually, I expected a lot more Germans, but apparently England is not an attractive destination for students. The many Americans unfortunately spoil my long-awaited British accent, but I just have to hope that their accent doesn't rub off on me. All the people I have met so far are very nice and open to getting to know new cultures. Some of the American students have never been outside the States and therefore have hardly any knowledge of what is happening here in distant Europe. I was able to make Cologne appealing to many of them for a visit, so I guess I've fulfilled my mission here.

There isn't really anything positive to say about the weather. It's a wild mixture of rain, snow and wind. Unfortunately, you don't see the real sky here. I don't think the English even know that the sky is blue in the rest of the world. My roommate told me it's a nice day as long as it doesn't rain. Manchester is probably the city with the highest rainfall in all of Great Britain. But that's what raincoats are for.

View down Oxford Rd
View down Oxford Rd

The offering for students is huge here. You can join so-called 'societies'. So you can join various sports clubs or get involved with other students. There are student groups for every problem that can help you. The possibilities are truly endless.

In the next few days, there will be more events for new students. So I will experience many new things.

Svar (2)

Das klingt ja alles sehr spannend. Den Britischen Akzent wirst du ja überall sonst hören. Enjoy, luv😊

Ich werde Deine spannenden Erlebnisse die nächsten Monate mit großer Freude und Neugierde verfolgen und wünsche Dir viel Glück und eine ganz tolle Zeit. Liebe Grüße 🤓

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