Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal wieder weg
Schahaatz und ich sind dann mal wieder weg


Publisert: 03.07.2022

7:00 the alarm goes off. Today at 10 o'clock we will receive the camper. At 8:30 Lyft sends a cancellation for the planned pickup, great, that's a good start to the day. But at 9:00 then, the ad hoc ordered Lyft car picked us up on time.

Facts: Lyft is the same as Uber, so people pay to ride with others, like a taxi.

The ride ended in a very remote industrial area, no one would have found us if our driver had been a serial killer. 😅

As thrifty people, we made a lucky rental (between 23-29 feet) and we were lucky - 28 feet = 8.53 meters are now our living space on 4 wheels for the next 22 days.

Whether we save with 10 cylinders and 6.8 liters of displacement, the journey will show.

We baptize our battleship with the name "Mein Schiff 68" or short MS68.

After the briefing, a super thorough inspection by us (our trained eagle eyes don't miss anything) and the provisional stowing of our luggage, we roll off the yard around 12:00.

Today we have 150 km to the first campsite on the agenda. But first, we still have to go shopping. We finally set off at 5:30 p.m. with a full fridge, SIM cards, beer (special store), and finally toilet paper (must be special for campers).

While Carsten was shopping for beer, I gathered all my courage and called the planned campsite. What a stutter - really scary, but I managed it.

Unfortunately, there is nothing available anymore. Now the stress begins and a total lack of relaxation spreads. It's already late, we're not properly rested, the motorhome is not only huge, but the steering is spongy, the brakes take getting used to. Everything is rattling. But my darling managed it confidently and safely chauffeured us through the first amazing landscape.

Fortunately, there are still some campsites on the route. The first one is full, the second one too, we were too long for the third one. I can already see us camping on the side of the road. The campsite in Whistler was our last hope - and they actually had a spot for us.

Now it's time to pack up everything, eat something

and sleep 😴.

PS: There are also not many photos from the side windows this time, because the mirrors are constantly in the way.


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