
02.08 Tromsø - Steinfjord 100km including ferry crossing

Publisert: 04.08.2020

It started at 11:30 with sunshine, good bike paths and relatively heavy car and caravan traffic. Overnight, the braking problem had solved itself. 55km to the ferry in Brensholm where I arrived at around 3 pm. The landscape along the way is indescribable, it's so impressive. Steep mountains, some still covered in snow, rise from the water. It's often difficult to determine whether it's sea, lake or fjord, everything is just so vast. The color of the water is also varied, ranging from dark blue to bright turquoise and crystal clear. I've been enjoying this scenery since leaving Tromsø. I had to wait for the next ferry to Botnham until 5 pm. I used the 2-hour wait for a picnic with a view and a short nap. While queuing to get on the ferry, I met another cyclist and started chatting with him. Røner, estimated to be in his early 50s, is from the south of Norway and is on his way from Tromsø to Molde. During the ferry ride, with the sun shining brightly and a view of the fjords from the sea, Røner reminded me that this is one of the toughest areas in Europe weather-wise. I'm really lucky that the next two days are forecasted to be sunny. After arriving at the second largest island in Norway, 'Senja', we cycled together for another 30km until I felt tired. After the very touristy Ersfjord, with its famous golden public toilet... there was a sign indicating a viewpoint 700m away. I told Røner that I wanted to cook and eat there, and he joined me briefly. Then he continued to cycle to cover some more kilometers. From the viewpoint, which was directly on the rocks by the sea, I had a view of the sunset. I cooked carrots with zucchini and alphabet pasta that I had brought from home. After eating, I considered sleeping on the rocks, but it was too unsettled for me. Some visitors came and went, and the sea still reflected the brightness. I packed everything up again and cycled along the Steinfjord for 20 minutes. There, I found a lonely meadow with a small beach. I set up my tent, watched the last rays of the sun, and went into the tent.

Best regards from home


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