
Highs and Lows in Huaraz

Publisert: 01.03.2018

We arrived in Huaraz early in the morning, after an 8-hour overnight bus ride we were pretty exhausted and went straight to the hostel. We quickly realized that Huaraz is characterized by poverty. Noisy, smelly and hustle and bustle on every corner.

Simon then had to deal with altitude sickness, but after a few hours of rest he quickly recovered. A walk through the city, with many markets, interesting buildings and a wild taxi ride up the Rataquena Mountain followed. Unfortunately, I had a bit of altitude sickness in the evening and we went to bed early, as we had to leave for Laguna 69 at 5 o'clock.

After a short bus ride and a small breakfast in the fog, we started the hike to Laguna 69. We were able to traverse truly breathtakingly beautiful nature. The thin air at 3900 m quickly made itself felt and we became slower with every step. After three really tough hours, we made it - just don't think about the way back! The Laguna was a dream and the climb was really worth it. After a small lunch snack, we started the 2-hour descent. Unfortunately, it was pouring rain, but as tired as we were, it hardly bothered us.

Back at the hostel, we continue our journey to Trujillo by night bus - adios amigos!

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Wirklich spannend, und schon in der ersten Woche! Viel Spaß euch! Ich freue mich auf die nächsten Beiträgen! X