
Friendship Point

Publisert: 15.02.2023

Actually, we wanted to spend our last week in the north and on the Coromandel Peninsula, which are known for their beautiful beaches and coasts. But Gabrielle threw a spanner in the works. While a lot had already been destroyed by the heavy storm at the end of January, the devastation and flooding in these areas has now increased massively.

Since we really want to go to the beach again, but unfortunately have to return our camper tomorrow, we decide on Orere Point, a small bay on the east coast of Auckland. The damage is also visible here, with 12 trees uprooted on the campsite and branches lying everywhere on the paths and meadows.

The sea is blue and calm and we say goodbye with a swim in the Pacific. Tomorrow we are going to Auckland and then to Bremen via Hong Kong and Frankfurt.

Svar (3)

Kommt gut wieder nach Hause!!!!

... und herzlichen Dank für die vielen tollen Fotos!!! <3

Schön, dass es euch gut geht, eine schöne Restwoche und gute Heimreise, Grüße aus der alten Heimat!

New Zealand
Reiserapporter New Zealand