
Etosha - Day 3

Publisert: 06.07.2024

Since this is our last day in the Etosha Park, we wake up early to go on a safari at dawn. It's hard because last night we lingered for a long time at the illuminated waterhole of Halali, to watch, among others, 5 rhinos, 6 elephants, 2 hyenas, as they alternately went to drink.

Our journey begins at Rhinodrive, which is full of herds of zebras, but the rhinos for which it is named do not want to cross our path. After that, we drive from waterhole to waterhole and can observe herds of animals again. In the afternoon, we then drive out of the Etosha Park, full of impressions of the many animals we were able to see.  

For today, our camp is located in the private Onguma Resort, which is directly adjacent to the Etosha Park and also has lions, cheetahs, and antelopes on over 40,000 hectares. Sitting in the restaurant right by the waterhole, in the evening we also watch a giraffe that takes half an hour to finally lower itself to drink in the true sense of the word.

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Ihr Lieben, was für eine abwechslungsreiche und spannende Reise! Danke, dass ihr uns mit wundervollen Fotos und Berichten teilhaben lasst. Auch wenn nun schon eure letzte Woche angebrochen ist, werden die Erinnerungen an diese Reise ewig bleiben! Liebe Grüße aus den Bergen Nicki & Peter

Reiserapporter Namibia