From partying, to nature and traffic

Gepubliceerd: 26.01.2018

Update 24.01.18:

After writing the blog post on Wednesday, we wanted to go to our room and go to sleep. The lady from the hostel stopped us and asked if we were planning to go to bed. When we answered 'Yes', she shook her head. There were only two options, either we go away and do something cozy or we go away and party. We were so caught off guard that we laughed and said party. So she explained to us how to get to the Brown Eyes Bar. There should be a pool table and good music. So we marched away. On the way there and also on the way back, we were asked about 10 times if we wanted to come along quickly and buy weed. We declined gratefully every time and shortly afterwards the next person asked :D It was a never ending story, at every corner :D Do we really look like that or do they ask everyone ?! :D

Well, when we arrived at the bar, there were already 3 employees in front of the door greeting us. In total, we counted 20 employees. It was a hustle and bustle :D As soon as it was our turn, we heard 'Hello, Hello, Hello' from all sides :D One pushed the chair under our buttocks, the next gave us the menu, the bartender had already put two shots in front of us and the fourth was ready to take our order. You can't get in that quickly in Germany :D And everyone was dancing and having fun. So we stayed until half past one and danced like crazy! What a great evening :)

Update 25.01.18:

Currently, we are lying by the pool in our hostel and enjoying a little break from the impressions. We treat ourselves to a little break since we have 4 days in Hoi An, which is perfect! But now to yesterday. The plan: From Hue by scooter over the Hai Van Pass to Hoi An. After the night went a little longer than planned, we didn't get out of bed as planned the next morning. Tim went down and the hostel lady laughed and said that we were a little later than announced. Tim understood that we were late for the tour. He told me that all indignant and we were in a panic :D But I couldn't believe it, asked again and she explained to me that it was all just a misunderstanding and promptly called someone to bring us the scooters. Thank God! :D So we saddled up and signed. Our luggage is transported separately by bus to the Moped Office in Hoi An. We set off, I drove through the crazy streets for the first time and it was also quite unusual for Tim to ride without someone sitting behind him, looking out and providing reinforcement :D But we maneuvered our way through and as soon as we were out of the big city, we stopped, caught our breath and checked if we were even on the right track. Suddenly, another backpacker stopped behind us and asked if we were going to take the pass and if he would be angry if he joined us. In the end, it turned out that he is German and from Frankfurt, so we had a companion and the three of us snaked through. Our first stop was at the Elephant Springs. It was a waterfall with a lot of huge rocks and an elephant statue made of stone. Rene was smart enough to bring swimwear and jumped in immediately. We pulled our pants up as high as possible and followed suit :D Wonderful. Only the mountains, the water and us. After that, we continued along a road right along the coast. We circled the water once. Mountains on the right, water on the left, and us in the middle. The sun was shining, you could smell the sea salt, and the slightly cool breeze of the ride blew around our ears. We didn't have much trouble with our scooters, only Tim's scooter wouldn't start. But no matter where we were, we got help right away. Other backpackers explained to us that you have to lay it on its side so that gasoline flows in and that actually worked. Trick 17 :D We had to brake hard again because a big herd of cows was leisurely walking on the left lane. And once a crazy chicken suddenly ran across the road. Tim braked, but it got scared and started to run faster and got caught on a plastic bag lying on the ground and flipped over. It got up and looked like it was about to have a heart attack. It was hilarious :D Dogs were lying in the middle of the road everywhere and enjoying the warm asphalt and they weren't bothered by trucks, cars, or scooters. You had to quickly overtake trucks because their cargo is often not secured and they stir up a lot of dust. You got everything in your eyes and had to try to see again. At lunchtime, I wiped my face once with a disinfectant wipe. It was dark brown afterwards :D Besides daring overtaking maneuvers and almost running over cyclists, everything went well :D We then stopped and had something to eat. It was already 3:00 PM by then. We had dawdled a bit. So let's continue quickly. Now the pass begins. You have to be careful to turn correctly, otherwise you will drive through the tunnel and not over the mountains. We went up steep switchbacks and there were wonderful views at the beginning, so we stopped as often as possible. But the further we drove, the closer we came to the clouds and at the viewpoint we couldn't even see the person who was 5 meters in front of us anymore. That was a shame, but also adventurous. You would have had a breathtaking view for sure. But now, when you looked to the left, there was a white wall. It was like the end of the world. The pass was great and so far my highlight here. We then went back down and made our way to Danang. We drove to the Dragon Bridge. It is a large bridge adorned with dragons. However, it was in the middle of rush hour. The traffic at this time is indescribable. It's actually just like you see it on TV from Japan or China. 100 million scooters at a 6-lane intersection and everyone just drives whenever they want. There are traffic lights, but they are more or less ignored. So the three of us, Tim in front, me in the middle, and Rene at the back. It was a miracle that we could somehow stay together. We always caught up at the next traffic light. And the only trick there is, is to stand in the first row of the traffic light and quickly drive out of the chaos 1s before it turns green, otherwise you're lost. It's really exhausting :D When we finally made it out of the chaos again, we went to the Marble Mountains. It is a mountain with caves that have been converted into temples. Very mystical and holy water from the mountain, small niches and Buddha statues everywhere. When we were done there, it was already dark and we actually wanted to avoid driving in the dark. But we had no choice. It wasn't far anymore :D So we mobilized, so all our strength again, and then arrived at the office where our backpacks were already waiting for us. We had already booked the famous Vietnam Backpacker Hostel. It was 800 meters away. It's a hostel chain that has hostels all over Vietnam. The owners are Australian and so is the claim here. This is actually not a hostel, but a hotel. There is a pool, a multi-story hotel complex, an elevator, maids, and entertainers. This place is really buzzing. Tim walked past it at first because it looked too beautiful from the outside :D

We were in seventh heaven. Awesome day, awesome hostel, everything awesome. And yesterday was also Gender Bender. So gender swap and it was hilarious. Tim and I also took part in the catwalk challenge. Tim was hilarious, he wore my blouse, pink lipstick, and a pigtail. I wore a fake beard, his cap, and my black jacket :D But we both only came in 2nd place. That was embarrassing :D But funny. And today is Australia Day. Last night, we received another challenge. Everyone received a balloon and the task was to paint the balloon and protect it until 8 o'clock this morning. The most beautiful balloon among those that survived will get a free night here. Our 3 balloons were quickly destroyed :( The Australians don't know anything about it. He hadn't even finished speaking when the first ones burst. So we celebrated a little more and I fell into bed dead at 1 o'clock. I was awakened by the remaining ones who were shouting 'Happy Australia Day' through the corridors :D

So all in all, satisfied and looking forward to the next few days!

Antwoord (4)

So tolle Erlebnisse und Eindrücke! Beneide euch ! UND ihr seid ja erst knapp 2 Wochen unterwegs ...

Ja das ist Wahnsin, es kommt uns aber schon viel länger vor :D

Fasching in Vietnam frische Seeluft und Affen was will man mehr. Wenn möglich verschlaft die Fahrt im Nachtbus. Ich habe mich sehr über unser Telefonat heute gefreut. Beste Grüße, auch an deine Mitfahrer. Oma Elke.

Huhu Oma :) Ja es ist einfach herrlich hier und ich vermisse euch schon! Liebe Grüße von allen an dich zurück!

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