matzlis Reisen
matzlis Reisen

Wow, what a day in Manuel Antonio

Gepubliceerd: 20.04.2024

Lunchtime kids,

Today was a very long and exciting day. We started in the Manuel Antonio National Park. Many people advise against visiting the park because it's very touristy. That's true, but the beaches and animals are simply incredible. The other tourists don't bother us, after all, we're also tourists. However, there is a huge downside. It was 33°C today, almost 30°C in the morning. We naturally brought 1.5 liters of water. The bottle was taken from us at the entrance of the park because plastic bottles are not allowed. Not so great for a 8 km walk in the blazing sun. My nougat dumpling managed it quite well with only 3 little nervous breakdowns and several curses. Oh, very self-confident monkeys that come within 1 meter and a Lina with a panicky fear don't go very well together. However, Bear Grylls Matze D came to the rescue, fought with crocodiles, crossed 150m long gorges, rode on local pumas, and walked over lava from the Arenal volcano so we could earn the respect of the monkeys and pass by them.

After arriving back at the car completely dehydrated after 4 hours, we drove to Uvitas. There we were kindly received by the Canadian who recommended us to go to the Whale's Tail. A huge sandbar that at low tide forms the shape of a whale's tail. Interestingly, in certain seasons, whales actually frolic there. Since we didn't have much else to do in the heat, we also took the walk. When we got home, a total of over 20 kilometers in one day in over 33°C. Fantastic. Lina fought bravely and even splashed around in the sea a second time. Starving, we devoured incredibly good burgers.

However, there is a little snag on today's day: we haven't done laundry to this day, so I actually have absolutely no clothes left. I took off my last shirt at the laundry service, so I have to sleep naked now and tomorrow I'll have to consider whether my wet swim trunks are sufficient for the activities or if we have to wait 😄😄

Note: whoever can explain to me sensibly the influence of the moon and the ebb and flow, why some seas are affected by them and some are not, gets a beer. Basically, we also had a tidal flat here, maybe not as strong as at the North Sea.

Antwoord (1)

Du kannst immer so wunderbar schreiben ich könnte mich kaputt lachen. Euch noch viel Spaß liebe Grüße Jutta 👍😊

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