
#05 - Rainbow Beach & Agnes Water / 1770 (15.11. - 20.11.16)

Gepubliceerd: 21.11.2016

In Rainbow Beach and Agnes Water or Town of 1770, things are a bit more relaxed compared to other places on the East Coast. So if you need a break from the backpacker tourism, this is definitely the right place. Miles of untouched sandy beaches invite you to relax here.
In addition, Agnes Water offers the last opportunity to go surfing. Further north, the waves are intercepted by the Great Barrier Reef, and due to the approaching jellyfish season (October - April), swimming near the coast is generally not recommended.

15.11. - 17.11.16: Rainbow Beach
- Spent the days at the beach and in the hostel

18.11. - 20.11.16: Agnes Water / 1770
- Motorcycle tour (Scooteroo)

Hostels: Dingos Backpackers Resort (++), 1770 Southern Cross Backpackers (+-)


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