
Tag 25

Gepubliceerd: 03.10.2023

Off to Lima...I had to be at the airport at 10:00 a.m. Instead of hassling with taxi drivers about the price like I usually do, I took Uber. It's very practical, the price is right there, you can pay with PayPal and you don't have the stress. At the airport everything was problem-free, I didn't even need the translator. I'm already grown up and have memorized some Spanish. Oh yes, I was even able to take the bus in Cusco. Hand out, say where and when it's the right bus. So there I was sitting on my plane... window seat. I booked the flight without a seat, so they always want that much money. I'll take the surprise package. I don't really care where I'm sitting on an hour-long flight. And what can I tell you...they like me. Always emergency exit (that also means legroom) and window seat. Arrived in Lima, ordered an Uber, as I said, no fooling around, and went to the Airbnb accommodation. How decadent, folks, that was awesome. Bomb view, cool room, with swimming pool on the roof. That really screamed out for a bottle of wine. No sooner said than done, eat first (lay the foundation) and then have a nice glass of wine up on the balcony. The landlord was also a gem. I haven't slept so well in a long time. I'm a fan... and what can I tell you, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, I would have preferred to stay there...

Antwoord (1)

Sehr, sehr cool❣️🫶🍀

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